# since we're running god via bundler, we need to un-bundle any commands executed def wrap_command(*args) "bash -c 'unset BUNDLE_GEMFILE ; unset BUNDLE_BIN_PATH ; cd <%= current_path %> && #{args.join(' ')}'" end # a default email contact for when a service dies and needs to be restarted God.contact(:email) do |c| c.name = "john" c.to_email = "email@example.com" c.delivery_method = :sendmail end # example for a thin-powered app, which is what I use the most of <%= thin_servers %>.times do |port_id| port = <%= thin_port %> + port_id God.watch do |w| # assign all watches to this group so personal_diety can stop/start them all at once w.group = "<%= application %>" w.name = "<%= application %>-thin-#{port}" pid = "<%= shared_path %>/pids/thin.#{port}.pid" command = "bundle exec thin -P #{pid} -p #{port}" w.pid_file = pid w.log = "<%= shared_path %>/god.log" start = "#{command} -e <%= stage %> -d start" w.start = wrap_command(start) w.start_grace = 20.seconds stop = "#{command} stop" w.stop = wrap_command(stop) w.restart = wrap_command("#{stop} && #{start}") w.restart_grace = 20.seconds w.start_if do |start| start.condition(:process_running) do |c| c.running = false c.interval = 5.seconds c.notify = "john" end end end end