require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/mysql' # load our version of mysql--note # if someone does a require 'mysql' after a require 'mysqlplus' then their screen will be littered with warnings # and the "old" mysql will override the "new" mysqlplus, so be careful. # # The mysqlplus library is a [slightly updated] fork of the Mysql class, with asynchronous capability added # See for details, as well as the test directory within the gem # class Mysql def ruby_async_query(sql, timeout = nil) # known to deadlock TODO send_query(sql) select [ (@sockets ||= {})[socket] ||= ], nil, nil, nil get_result end begin alias_method :async_query, :c_async_query rescue NameError => e raise"error loading mysqlplus--this may mean you ran a require 'mysql' before a require 'mysqplus', which must come first -- possibly also run gem uninstall mysql") end end