require 'mkmf' def exec_command(command, flag_raise=false) output = `#{command}` return output.chomp if $? == 0 msg = "failed: #{command}" raise msg if flag_raise die msg end def die(message) $stderr.puts "*** ERROR: #{message}" exit 1 end if /mswin32/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM inc, lib = dir_config('mysql') #exit 1 unless have_library("libmysql") have_library("libmysql") or die "can't find libmysql." elsif mc = with_config('mysql-config') then mc = 'mysql_config' if mc == true #cflags = `#{mc} --cflags`.chomp #exit 1 if $? != 0 cflags = exec_command("#{mc} --cflags") #libs = `#{mc} --libs`.chomp #exit 1 if $? != 0 libs = exec_command("#{mc} --libs") $CPPFLAGS += ' ' + cflags $libs = libs + " " + $libs else puts "Trying to detect MySQL configuration with mysql_config command..." begin cflags = libs = nil dirs = ENV['PATH'].split(':') + %w[ /opt /opt/local /opt/local/mysql /opt/local/lib/mysql5 /usr /usr/local /usr/local/mysql /usr/local/mysql-* /usr/local/lib/mysql5 ].map{|dir| "#{dir}/bin" } GLOB = "{#{dirs.join(',')}}/{mysql_config,mysql_config5}" if /mswin32/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM inc, lib = dir_config('mysql') exit 1 unless have_library("libmysql") elsif mc = (with_config('mysql-config') || Dir[GLOB].first) then mc = Dir[GLOB].first if mc == true puts "Succeeded to detect MySQL configuration: #{mc}" cflags = `#{mc} --cflags`.chomp exit 1 if $? != 0 libs = `#{mc} --libs`.chomp exit 1 if $? != 0 $CPPFLAGS += ' ' + cflags $libs = libs + " " + $libs else puts "Failed to detect MySQL configuration with mysql_config command." puts "Trying to detect MySQL client library..." inc, lib = dir_config('mysql', '/usr/local') libs = ['m', 'z', 'socket', 'nsl', 'mygcc'] while not find_library('mysqlclient', 'mysql_query', lib, "#{lib}/mysql") do #exit 1 if libs.empty? !libs.empty? or die "can't find mysql client library." have_library(libs.shift) end end end end have_func('mysql_ssl_set') have_func('rb_str_set_len') if have_header('mysql.h') then src = "#include \n#include \n" elsif have_header('mysql/mysql.h') then src = "#include \n#include \n" else #exit 1 die "can't find 'mysql.h'." end # check for 1.9 if have_func('rb_thread_blocking_region') and have_macro('RUBY_UBF_IO', 'ruby.h') $CFLAGS += " -DHAVE_TBR " $CPPFLAGS << " -DHAVE_TBR " end # make mysql constant"conftest.c", "w") do |f| f.puts src end if defined? cpp_command then cpp = Config.expand(cpp_command('')) else cpp = Config.expand sprintf(CPP, $CPPFLAGS, $CFLAGS, '') end if /mswin32/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM && !/-E/.match(cpp) cpp << " -E" end #unless system "#{cpp} > confout" then # exit 1 #end exec_command("#{cpp} > confout") File.unlink "conftest.c" error_syms = [] IO.foreach('confout') do |l| next unless l =~ /errmsg\.h|mysqld_error\.h/ fn = l.split(/\"/)[1] IO.foreach(fn) do |m| if m =~ /^#define\s+([CE]R_[0-9A-Z_]+)/ then error_syms << $1 end end end File.unlink 'confout' error_syms.uniq!'error_const.h', 'w') do |f| error_syms.each do |s| f.puts " rb_define_mysql_const(#{s});" end end $CPPFLAGS += " -DRUBY19" if RUBY_VERSION =~ /1.9/ if hard_mysql_path = $libs[%r{-L(/[^ ]+)}, 1] $LDFLAGS << " -Wl,-rpath,#{hard_mysql_path}" end create_makefile("mysql")