$:.unshift(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'lib')) require './test/replica_sets/rs_test_helper' # NOTE: This test expects a replica set of three nodes to be running # on the local host. class ReplicaSetCountTest < Test::Unit::TestCase include Mongo def setup @conn = ReplSetConnection.new([RS.host, RS.ports[0]], [RS.host, RS.ports[1]], [RS.host, RS.ports[2]], :read => :secondary) assert @conn.primary_pool @primary = Connection.new(@conn.primary_pool.host, @conn.primary_pool.port) @db = @conn.db(MONGO_TEST_DB) @db.drop_collection("test-sets") @coll = @db.collection("test-sets") end def teardown RS.restart_killed_nodes @conn.close if @conn end def test_correct_count_after_insertion_reconnect @coll.insert({:a => 20}, :safe => {:w => 2, :wtimeout => 10000}) assert_equal 1, @coll.count # Kill the current master node @node = RS.kill_primary rescue_connection_failure do @coll.insert({:a => 30}, :safe => true) end @coll.insert({:a => 40}, :safe => true) assert_equal 3, @coll.count, "Second count failed" end def test_count_command_sent_to_primary @coll.insert({:a => 20}, :safe => {:w => 2, :wtimeout => 10000}) count_before = @primary['admin'].command({:serverStatus => 1})['opcounters']['command'] assert_equal 1, @coll.count count_after = @primary['admin'].command({:serverStatus => 1})['opcounters']['command'] assert_equal 2, count_after - count_before end end