class Exception def errmsg "%s: %s\n%s" % [self.class, message, (backtrace || []).join("\n") << "\n"] end end $LOAD_PATH[0,0] = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'lib') require 'mongo' include Mongo host = ENV['MONGO_RUBY_DRIVER_HOST'] || 'localhost' port = ENV['MONGO_RUBY_DRIVER_PORT'] || Mongo::Mongo::DEFAULT_PORT puts ">> Connecting to #{host}:#{port}" db =, port).db('ruby-mongo-index_test') puts ">> Dropping collection test" begin res = db.drop_collection('test') puts "dropped : #{res.inspect}" rescue => e puts "Error: #{e.errmsg}" end puts ">> Creating collection test" begin coll = db.collection('test') puts "created : #{coll.inspect}" rescue => e puts "Error: #{e.errmsg}" end OBJS_COUNT = 100 puts ">> Generating test data" msgs = %w{hola hello aloha ciao} arr = (0...OBJS_COUNT).collect {|x| { :number => x, :rndm => (rand(5)+1), :msg => msgs[rand(4)] }} puts "generated" puts ">> Inserting data (#{arr.size})" coll.insert(arr) puts "inserted" puts ">> Creating index" res = coll.create_index "all", :_id => 1, :number => 1, :rndm => 1, :msg => 1 # res = coll.create_index "all", '_id' => 1, 'number' => 1, 'rndm' => 1, 'msg' => 1 puts "created index: #{res.inspect}" # ============================ Mongo Log ============================ # Fri Dec 5 14:45:02 Adding all existing records for ruby-mongo-console.test to new index # *** # Bad data or size in BSONElement::size() # bad type:30 # totalsize:11 fieldnamesize:4 # lastrec: # Fri Dec 5 14:45:02 ruby-mongo-console.system.indexes Assertion failure false jsobj.cpp a0 # Fri Dec 5 14:45:02 database: ruby-mongo-console op:7d2 0 # Fri Dec 5 14:45:02 ns: ruby-mongo-console.system.indexes puts ">> Gathering index information" begin res = coll.index_information puts "index_information : #{res.inspect}" rescue => e puts "Error: #{e.errmsg}" end # ============================ Console Output ============================ # RuntimeError: Keys for index on return from db was nil. Coll = ruby-mongo-console.test # from ./bin/../lib/mongo/db.rb:135:in `index_information' # from (irb):11:in `collect' # from ./bin/../lib/mongo/cursor.rb:47:in `each' # from ./bin/../lib/mongo/db.rb:130:in `collect' # from ./bin/../lib/mongo/db.rb:130:in `index_information' # from ./bin/../lib/mongo/collection.rb:74:in `index_information' # from (irb):11 puts ">> Dropping index" begin res = coll.drop_index "all_1" puts "dropped : #{res.inspect}" rescue => e puts "Error: #{e.errmsg}" end # ============================ Console Output ============================ # => {"nIndexesWas"=>2.0, "ok"=>1.0} # ============================ Mongo Log ============================ # 0x41802a 0x411549 0x42bac6 0x42c1f6 0x42c55b 0x42e6f7 0x41631e 0x41a89d 0x41ade2 0x41b448 0x4650d2 0x4695ad # db/db(_Z12sayDbContextPKc+0x17a) [0x41802a] # db/db(_Z8assertedPKcS0_j+0x9) [0x411549] # db/db(_ZNK11BSONElement4sizeEv+0x1f6) [0x42bac6] # db/db(_ZN7BSONObj8getFieldEPKc+0xa6) [0x42c1f6] # db/db(_ZN7BSONObj14getFieldDottedEPKc+0x11b) [0x42c55b] # db/db(_ZN7BSONObj19extractFieldsDottedES_R14BSONObjBuilder+0x87) [0x42e6f7] # db/db(_ZN12IndexDetails17getKeysFromObjectER7BSONObjRSt3setIS0_St4lessIS0_ESaIS0_EE+0x24e) [0x41631e] # db/db(_Z12_indexRecordR12IndexDetailsR7BSONObj7DiskLoc+0x5d) [0x41a89d] # db/db(_Z18addExistingToIndexPKcR12IndexDetails+0xb2) [0x41ade2] # db/db(_ZN11DataFileMgr6insertEPKcPKvib+0x508) [0x41b448] # db/db(_Z14receivedInsertR7MessageRSt18basic_stringstreamIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEE+0x112) [0x4650d2] # db/db(_Z10connThreadv+0xb4d) [0x4695ad] # Fri Dec 5 14:45:02 ruby-mongo-console.system.indexes Caught Assertion insert, continuing # Fri Dec 5 14:47:59 CMD: deleteIndexes ruby-mongo-console.test # d->nIndexes was 2 # alpha implementation, space not reclaimed puts ">> Gathering index information" begin res = coll.index_information puts "index_information : #{res.inspect}" rescue => e puts "Error: #{e.errmsg}" end # ============================ Console Output ============================ # RuntimeError: Keys for index on return from db was nil. Coll = ruby-mongo-console.test # from ./bin/../lib/mongo/db.rb:135:in `index_information' # from (irb):15:in `collect' # from ./bin/../lib/mongo/cursor.rb:47:in `each' # from ./bin/../lib/mongo/db.rb:130:in `collect' # from ./bin/../lib/mongo/db.rb:130:in `index_information' # from ./bin/../lib/mongo/collection.rb:74:in `index_information' # from (irb):15 puts ">> Closing connection" db.close puts "closed"