require 'test/test_helper' include Mongo class ConnectionTest < Test::Unit::TestCase context "Initialization: " do setup do def new_mock_socket socket = socket.stubs(:setsockopt).with(Socket::IPPROTO_TCP, Socket::TCP_NODELAY, 1) socket.expects(:close) socket end def new_mock_db db = end end context "given a single node" do setup do TCPSocket.stubs(:new).returns(new_mock_socket) @conn ='localhost', 27017, :connect => false) admin_db = new_mock_db admin_db.expects(:command).returns({'ok' => 1, 'ismaster' => 1}) @conn.expects(:[]).with('admin').returns(admin_db) @conn.connect_to_master end should "set localhost and port to master" do assert_equal 'localhost', assert_equal 27017, @conn.port end should "set connection pool to 1" do assert_equal 1, @conn.size end should "default slave_ok to false" do assert !@conn.slave_ok? end end context "initializing a paired connection" do should "require left and right nodes" do assert_raise MongoArgumentError do Connection.paired(['localhost', 27018], :connect => false) end assert_raise MongoArgumentError do Connection.paired(['localhost', 27018], :connect => false) end end should "store both nodes" do @conn = Connection.paired([['localhost', 27017], ['localhost', 27018]], :connect => false) assert_equal ['localhost', 27017], @conn.nodes[0] assert_equal ['localhost', 27018], @conn.nodes[1] end end context "initializing with a mongodb uri" do should "parse a simple uri" do @conn = Connection.from_uri("mongodb://localhost", :connect => false) assert_equal ['localhost', 27017], @conn.nodes[0] end should "allow a complex host names" do host_name = "" @conn = Connection.from_uri("mongodb://#{host_name}", :connect => false) assert_equal [host_name, 27017], @conn.nodes[0] end should "parse a uri specifying multiple nodes" do @conn = Connection.from_uri("mongodb://localhost:27017,", :connect => false) assert_equal ['localhost', 27017], @conn.nodes[0] assert_equal ['', 27018], @conn.nodes[1] end should "parse a uri specifying multiple nodes with auth" do @conn = Connection.from_uri("mongodb://kyle:s3cr3t@localhost:27017/app,", :connect => false) assert_equal ['localhost', 27017], @conn.nodes[0] assert_equal ['', 27018], @conn.nodes[1] auth_hash = {'username' => 'kyle', 'password' => 's3cr3t', 'db_name' => 'app'} assert_equal auth_hash, @conn.auths[0] auth_hash = {'username' => 'mickey', 'password' => 'm0u5e', 'db_name' => 'dsny'} assert_equal auth_hash, @conn.auths[1] end should "parse a uri with a hyphen & underscore in the username or password" do @conn = Connection.from_uri("mongodb://hyphen-user_name:p-s_s@localhost:27017/db", :connect => false) assert_equal ['localhost', 27017], @conn.nodes[0] auth_hash = { 'db_name' => 'db', 'username' => 'hyphen-user_name', "password" => 'p-s_s' } assert_equal auth_hash, @conn.auths[0] end should "attempt to connect" do TCPSocket.stubs(:new).returns(new_mock_socket) @conn = Connection.from_uri("mongodb://localhost", :connect => false) admin_db = new_mock_db admin_db.expects(:command).returns({'ok' => 1, 'ismaster' => 1}) @conn.expects(:[]).with('admin').returns(admin_db) @conn.expects(:apply_saved_authentication) @conn.connect_to_master end should "raise an error on invalid uris" do assert_raise MongoArgumentError do Connection.from_uri("mongo://localhost", :connect => false) end assert_raise MongoArgumentError do Connection.from_uri("mongodb://localhost:abc", :connect => false) end assert_raise MongoArgumentError do Connection.from_uri("mongodb://localhost:27017,, ", :connect => false) end end should "require all of username, password, and database if any one is specified" do assert_raise MongoArgumentError do Connection.from_uri("mongodb://localhost/db", :connect => false) end assert_raise MongoArgumentError do Connection.from_uri("mongodb://kyle:password@localhost", :connect => false) end end end end end