$LOAD_PATH[0,0] = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'lib') require 'mongo' require 'test/unit' # NOTE: assumes Mongo is running class CursorTest < Test::Unit::TestCase include Mongo @@db = Connection.new(ENV['MONGO_RUBY_DRIVER_HOST'] || 'localhost', ENV['MONGO_RUBY_DRIVER_PORT'] || Connection::DEFAULT_PORT).db('ruby-mongo-test') @@coll = @@db.collection('test') def setup @@coll.clear @@coll.insert('a' => 1) # collection not created until it's used @@coll_full_name = 'ruby-mongo-test.test' end def teardown @@coll.clear @@db.error end def test_explain cursor = @@coll.find('a' => 1) explaination = cursor.explain assert_not_nil explaination['cursor'] assert_kind_of Numeric, explaination['n'] assert_kind_of Numeric, explaination['millis'] assert_kind_of Numeric, explaination['nscanned'] end def test_count @@coll.clear assert_equal 0, @@coll.find().count() 10.times do |i| @@coll.save("x" => i) end assert_equal 10, @@coll.find().count() assert_kind_of Integer, @@coll.find().count() assert_equal 10, @@coll.find({}, :limit => 5).count() assert_equal 10, @@coll.find({}, :offset => 5).count() assert_equal 1, @@coll.find({"x" => 1}).count() assert_equal 5, @@coll.find({"x" => {"$lt" => 5}}).count() a = @@coll.find() b = a.count() a.each do |doc| break end assert_equal b, a.count() assert_equal 0, @@db['acollectionthatdoesn'].count() end def test_close_no_query_sent begin cursor = @@coll.find('a' => 1) cursor.close assert cursor.closed? rescue => ex fail ex.to_s end end def test_refill_via_get_more begin assert_equal 1, @@coll.count 1000.times { |i| assert_equal 1 + i, @@coll.count @@coll.insert('a' => i) } assert_equal 1001, @@coll.count count = 0 @@coll.find.each { |obj| count += obj['a'] } assert_equal 1001, @@coll.count # do the same thing again for debugging assert_equal 1001, @@coll.count count2 = 0 @@coll.find.each { |obj| count2 += obj['a'] } assert_equal 1001, @@coll.count assert_equal count, count2 assert_equal 499501, count rescue Test::Unit::AssertionFailedError => ex p @@db.collection_names Process.exit 1 end end def test_refill_via_get_more_alt_coll begin coll = @@db.collection('test-alt-coll') coll.clear coll.insert('a' => 1) # collection not created until it's used assert_equal 1, coll.count 1000.times { |i| assert_equal 1 + i, coll.count coll.insert('a' => i) } assert_equal 1001, coll.count count = 0 coll.find.each { |obj| count += obj['a'] } assert_equal 1001, coll.count # do the same thing again for debugging assert_equal 1001, coll.count count2 = 0 coll.find.each { |obj| count2 += obj['a'] } assert_equal 1001, coll.count assert_equal count, count2 assert_equal 499501, count rescue Test::Unit::AssertionFailedError => ex p @@db.collection_names Process.exit 1 end end def test_close_after_query_sent begin cursor = @@coll.find('a' => 1) cursor.next_object cursor.close assert cursor.closed? rescue => ex fail ex.to_s end end def test_kill_cursors @@coll.drop client_cursors = @@db.db_command("cursorInfo" => 1)["clientCursors_size"] by_location = @@db.db_command("cursorInfo" => 1)["byLocation_size"] 10000.times do |i| @@coll.insert("i" => i) end assert_equal(client_cursors, @@db.db_command("cursorInfo" => 1)["clientCursors_size"]) assert_equal(by_location, @@db.db_command("cursorInfo" => 1)["byLocation_size"]) 10.times do |i| @@coll.find_one() end assert_equal(client_cursors, @@db.db_command("cursorInfo" => 1)["clientCursors_size"]) assert_equal(by_location, @@db.db_command("cursorInfo" => 1)["byLocation_size"]) 10.times do |i| a = @@coll.find() a.next_object() a.close() end assert_equal(client_cursors, @@db.db_command("cursorInfo" => 1)["clientCursors_size"]) assert_equal(by_location, @@db.db_command("cursorInfo" => 1)["byLocation_size"]) a = @@coll.find() a.next_object() assert_not_equal(client_cursors, @@db.db_command("cursorInfo" => 1)["clientCursors_size"]) assert_not_equal(by_location, @@db.db_command("cursorInfo" => 1)["byLocation_size"]) a.close() assert_equal(client_cursors, @@db.db_command("cursorInfo" => 1)["clientCursors_size"]) assert_equal(by_location, @@db.db_command("cursorInfo" => 1)["byLocation_size"]) a = @@coll.find({}, :limit => 10).next_object() assert_equal(client_cursors, @@db.db_command("cursorInfo" => 1)["clientCursors_size"]) assert_equal(by_location, @@db.db_command("cursorInfo" => 1)["byLocation_size"]) @@coll.find() do |cursor| cursor.next_object() end assert_equal(client_cursors, @@db.db_command("cursorInfo" => 1)["clientCursors_size"]) assert_equal(by_location, @@db.db_command("cursorInfo" => 1)["byLocation_size"]) @@coll.find() { |cursor| cursor.next_object() } assert_equal(client_cursors, @@db.db_command("cursorInfo" => 1)["clientCursors_size"]) assert_equal(by_location, @@db.db_command("cursorInfo" => 1)["byLocation_size"]) end def test_count_with_fields @@coll.clear @@coll.save("x" => 1) @@coll.find({}, :fields => ["a"]).each do |doc| fail "shouldn't have any results here" end assert_equal(0, @@coll.find({}, :fields => ["a"]).count()) end end