0.20 will require some minor code upgrades. 1. Note the exception changes in HISTORY. Certain exceptions are now scoped under the BSON module; if you're catching these, you will need to modify your code. 2. The BSON types are now scoped under the BSON module. 3. Note that mongo_ext no longer exists. The new gems are bson and bson_ext. 4. Indexes on GridFS chunks collections should be unique. If you have existing GridFS collections, you should drop the current index and replace with a unique one. Before you do this, make sure that index doesn't exist; no need to go through process unnecessarily. If you do need to create the index, once you have the chunks collection, here are the commands you can run: @chunks.drop_index('files_id_1_n_1') @chunks.create_index([['files_id', Mongo::ASCENDING], ['n', Mongo::ASCENDING]], :unique => true)