# -- # Copyright (C) 2008-2009 10gen Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ++ $LOAD_PATH[0,0] = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'lib') require 'mongo' require 'test/unit' # NOTE: assumes Mongo is running class TestCollection < Test::Unit::TestCase include XGen::Mongo include XGen::Mongo::Driver @@db = Mongo.new(ENV['MONGO_RUBY_DRIVER_HOST'] || 'localhost', ENV['MONGO_RUBY_DRIVER_PORT'] || Mongo::DEFAULT_PORT).db('ruby-mongo-test') @@test = @@db.collection("test") def setup @@test.drop() end def test_collection assert_raise InvalidName do @@db["te$t"] end assert_kind_of Collection, @@db["test"] assert_equal @@db["test"].name(), @@db.collection("test").name() assert_equal @@db["test"].name(), @@db[:test].name() assert_kind_of Collection, @@db["test"]["foo"] assert_equal @@db["test"]["foo"].name(), @@db.collection("test.foo").name() assert_equal @@db["test"]["foo"].name(), @@db["test.foo"].name() end def test_safe_insert a = {"hello" => "world"} @@test.insert(a) @@test.insert(a) assert @@db.error.include? "E11000" assert_raise OperationFailure do @@test.insert(a, :safe => true) end end def test_update id1 = @@test.save("x" => 5) @@test.update({}, {"$inc" => {"x" => 1}}) assert_equal 1, @@test.count() assert_equal 6, @@test.find_one(:_id => id1)["x"] id2 = @@test.save("x" => 1) @@test.update({"x" => 6}, {"$inc" => {"x" => 1}}) assert_equal 7, @@test.find_one(:_id => id1)["x"] assert_equal 1, @@test.find_one(:_id => id2)["x"] end def test_upsert @@test.update({"page" => "/"}, {"$inc" => {"count" => 1}}, :upsert => true) @@test.update({"page" => "/"}, {"$inc" => {"count" => 1}}, :upsert => true) assert_equal 1, @@test.count() assert_equal 2, @@test.find_one()["count"] end def test_safe_update @@test.create_index("x") @@test.insert("x" => 5) @@test.update({}, {"$inc" => {"x" => 1}}) assert @@db.error? assert_raise OperationFailure do @@test.update({}, {"$inc" => {"x" => 1}}, :safe => true) end end def test_safe_save @@test.create_index("hello", true) @@test.save("hello" => "world") @@test.save("hello" => "world") assert @@db.error.include? "E11000" assert_raise OperationFailure do @@test.save({"hello" => "world"}, :safe => true) end end def test_count @@test.drop assert_equal 0, @@test.count @@test.save("x" => 1) @@test.save("x" => 2) assert_equal 2, @@test.count # TODO remove this test - it's deprecated assert_equal 1, @@test.count("x" => 1) end def test_find_one id = @@test.save("hello" => "world", "foo" => "bar") assert_equal "world", @@test.find_one()["hello"] assert_equal @@test.find_one(id), @@test.find_one() assert_equal @@test.find_one(nil), @@test.find_one() assert_equal @@test.find_one({}), @@test.find_one() assert_equal @@test.find_one("hello" => "world"), @@test.find_one() assert_equal @@test.find_one(OrderedHash["hello", "world"]), @@test.find_one() assert @@test.find_one(nil, :fields => ["hello"]).include?("hello") assert !@@test.find_one(nil, :fields => ["foo"]).include?("hello") assert_equal nil, @@test.find_one("hello" => "foo") assert_equal nil, @@test.find_one(OrderedHash["hello", "foo"]) assert_equal nil, @@test.find_one(ObjectID.new) assert_raise TypeError do @@test.find_one(6) end end def test_insert_adds_id doc = {"hello" => "world"} @@test.insert(doc) assert doc.include? :_id docs = [{"hello" => "world"}, {"hello" => "world"}] @@test.insert(docs) docs.each do |doc| assert doc.include? :_id end end def test_save_adds_id doc = {"hello" => "world"} @@test.save(doc) assert doc.include? :_id end end