$LOAD_PATH[0,0] = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'lib') require 'mongo' require 'mongo/util/ordered_hash' require 'test/unit' class BSONTest < Test::Unit::TestCase include Mongo def setup # We don't pass a DB to the constructor, even though we are about to test # deserialization. This means that when we deserialize, any DBRefs will # have nil @db ivars. That's fine for now. @b = BSON.new end def test_string doc = {'doc' => 'hello, world'} @b.serialize(doc) assert_equal doc, @b.deserialize end def test_code doc = {'$where' => Code.new('this.a.b < this.b')} @b.serialize(doc) assert_equal doc, @b.deserialize end def test_number doc = {'doc' => 41.99} @b.serialize(doc) assert_equal doc, @b.deserialize end def test_int doc = {'doc' => 42} @b.serialize(doc) assert_equal doc, @b.deserialize doc = {"doc" => -5600} @b.serialize(doc) assert_equal doc, @b.deserialize doc = {"doc" => 2147483647} @b.serialize(doc) assert_equal doc, @b.deserialize doc = {"doc" => -2147483648} @b.serialize(doc) assert_equal doc, @b.deserialize end def test_ordered_hash doc = OrderedHash.new doc["b"] = 1 doc["a"] = 2 doc["c"] = 3 doc["d"] = 4 @b.serialize(doc) assert_equal doc, @b.deserialize end def test_object doc = {'doc' => {'age' => 42, 'name' => 'Spongebob', 'shoe_size' => 9.5}} @b.serialize(doc) assert_equal doc, @b.deserialize end def test_oid doc = {'doc' => ObjectID.new} @b.serialize(doc) assert_equal doc, @b.deserialize end def test_array doc = {'doc' => [1, 2, 'a', 'b']} @b.serialize(doc) assert_equal doc, @b.deserialize end def test_regex doc = {'doc' => /foobar/i} @b.serialize(doc) doc2 = @b.deserialize assert_equal doc, doc2 r = doc2['doc'] assert_kind_of RegexpOfHolding, r assert_equal '', r.extra_options_str r.extra_options_str << 'zywcab' assert_equal 'zywcab', r.extra_options_str b = BSON.new doc = {'doc' => r} b.serialize(doc) doc2 = nil doc2 = b.deserialize assert_equal doc, doc2 r = doc2['doc'] assert_kind_of RegexpOfHolding, r assert_equal 'abcwyz', r.extra_options_str # must be sorted end def test_boolean doc = {'doc' => true} @b.serialize(doc) assert_equal doc, @b.deserialize end def test_date doc = {'date' => Time.now} @b.serialize(doc) doc2 = @b.deserialize # Mongo only stores up to the millisecond assert_in_delta doc['date'], doc2['date'], 0.001 end def test_date_returns_as_utc doc = {'date' => Time.now} @b.serialize(doc) doc2 = @b.deserialize assert doc2['date'].utc? end def test_dbref oid = ObjectID.new doc = {} doc['dbref'] = DBRef.new('namespace', oid) @b.serialize(doc) doc2 = @b.deserialize assert_equal 'namespace', doc2['dbref'].namespace assert_equal oid, doc2['dbref'].object_id end def test_symbol doc = {'sym' => :foo} @b.serialize(doc) doc2 = @b.deserialize assert_equal :foo, doc2['sym'] end def test_binary bin = Binary.new 'binstring'.each_byte { |b| bin.put(b) } doc = {'bin' => bin} @b.serialize(doc) doc2 = @b.deserialize bin2 = doc2['bin'] assert_kind_of Binary, bin2 assert_equal 'binstring', bin2.to_s assert_equal Binary::SUBTYPE_BYTES, bin2.subtype end def test_binary_type bin = Binary.new([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], Binary::SUBTYPE_USER_DEFINED) doc = {'bin' => bin} @b.serialize(doc) doc2 = @b.deserialize bin2 = doc2['bin'] assert_kind_of Binary, bin2 assert_equal [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], bin2.to_a assert_equal Binary::SUBTYPE_USER_DEFINED, bin2.subtype end def test_binary_byte_buffer bb = ByteBuffer.new 5.times { |i| bb.put(i + 1) } doc = {'bin' => bb} @b.serialize(doc) doc2 = @b.deserialize bin2 = doc2['bin'] assert_kind_of Binary, bin2 assert_equal [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], bin2.to_a assert_equal Binary::SUBTYPE_BYTES, bin2.subtype end def test_undefined doc = {'undef' => Undefined.new} @b.serialize(doc) doc2 = @b.deserialize assert_equal nil, doc2['undef'] end def test_put_id_first val = OrderedHash.new val['not_id'] = 1 val['_id'] = 2 roundtrip = @b.deserialize(@b.serialize(val).to_a) assert_kind_of OrderedHash, roundtrip assert_equal '_id', roundtrip.keys.first val = {'a' => 'foo', 'b' => 'bar', :_id => 42, 'z' => 'hello'} roundtrip = @b.deserialize(@b.serialize(val).to_a) assert_kind_of OrderedHash, roundtrip assert_equal '_id', roundtrip.keys.first end def test_nil_id doc = {"_id" => nil} assert_equal doc, @b.deserialize(@b.serialize(doc).to_a) end def test_timestamp val = {"test" => [4, 20]} assert_equal val, @b.deserialize([0x13, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x11, 0x74, 0x65, 0x73, 0x74, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x14, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]) end def test_overflow doc = {"x" => 2**75} assert_raise RangeError do @b.serialize(doc) end doc = {"x" => 9223372036854775} assert_equal doc, @b.deserialize(@b.serialize(doc).to_a) doc = {"x" => 9223372036854775807} assert_equal doc, @b.deserialize(@b.serialize(doc).to_a) doc["x"] = doc["x"] + 1 assert_raise RangeError do @b.serialize(doc) end doc = {"x" => -9223372036854775} assert_equal doc, @b.deserialize(@b.serialize(doc).to_a) doc = {"x" => -9223372036854775808} assert_equal doc, @b.deserialize(@b.serialize(doc).to_a) doc["x"] = doc["x"] - 1 assert_raise RangeError do @b.serialize(doc) end end def test_do_not_change_original_object val = OrderedHash.new val['not_id'] = 1 val['_id'] = 2 assert val.keys.include?('_id') @b.serialize(val) assert val.keys.include?('_id') val = {'a' => 'foo', 'b' => 'bar', :_id => 42, 'z' => 'hello'} assert val.keys.include?(:_id) @b.serialize(val) assert val.keys.include?(:_id) end end