$:.unshift(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'lib')) require './test/replica_sets/rs_test_helper' require 'logger' class ReadPreferenceTest < Test::Unit::TestCase include ReplicaSetTest def setup log = Logger.new("test.log") @conn = ReplSetConnection.new([self.rs.host, self.rs.ports[0]], [self.rs.host, self.rs.ports[1]], :read => :secondary, :pool_size => 50, :refresh_mode => false, :refresh_interval => 5, :logger => log) @db = @conn.db(MONGO_TEST_DB) @db.drop_collection("test-sets") col = @db['mongo-test'] end def teardown self.rs.restart_killed_nodes end def test_read_primary rescue_connection_failure do assert !@conn.read_primary? assert !@conn.primary? end end def test_con assert @conn.primary_pool, "No primary pool!" assert @conn.read_pool, "No read pool!" assert @conn.primary_pool.port != @conn.read_pool.port, "Primary port and read port at the same!" end def test_query_secondaries @secondary = Connection.new(self.rs.host, @conn.read_pool.port, :slave_ok => true) @coll = @db.collection("test-sets", :safe => {:w => 3, :wtimeout => 20000}) @coll.save({:a => 20}) @coll.save({:a => 30}) @coll.save({:a => 40}) results = [] queries_before = @secondary['admin'].command({:serverStatus => 1})['opcounters']['query'] @coll.find.each {|r| results << r["a"]} queries_after = @secondary['admin'].command({:serverStatus => 1})['opcounters']['query'] assert_equal 1, queries_after - queries_before assert results.include?(20) assert results.include?(30) assert results.include?(40) self.rs.kill_primary results = [] rescue_connection_failure do puts "@coll.find().each" @coll.find.each {|r| results << r} [20, 30, 40].each do |a| assert results.any? {|r| r['a'] == a}, "Could not find record for a => #{a}" end end end def test_kill_primary @coll = @db.collection("test-sets", :safe => {:w => 3, :wtimeout => 10000}) @coll.save({:a => 20}) @coll.save({:a => 30}) assert_equal 2, @coll.find.to_a.length # Should still be able to read immediately after killing master node self.rs.kill_primary assert_equal 2, @coll.find.to_a.length rescue_connection_failure do puts "@coll.save()" @coll.save({:a => 50}, :safe => {:w => 2, :wtimeout => 10000}) end self.rs.restart_killed_nodes @coll.save({:a => 50}, :safe => {:w => 2, :wtimeout => 10000}) assert_equal 4, @coll.find.to_a.length end def test_kill_secondary @coll = @db.collection("test-sets", {:safe => {:w => 3, :wtimeout => 20000}}) @coll.save({:a => 20}) @coll.save({:a => 30}) assert_equal 2, @coll.find.to_a.length read_node = self.rs.get_node_from_port(@conn.read_pool.port) self.rs.kill(read_node) # Should fail immediately on next read old_read_pool_port = @conn.read_pool.port assert_raise ConnectionFailure do @coll.find.to_a.length end # Should eventually reconnect and be able to read rescue_connection_failure do length = @coll.find.to_a.length assert_equal 2, length end new_read_pool_port = @conn.read_pool.port assert old_read_pool_port != new_read_pool_port end def test_write_lots_of_data @coll = @db.collection("test-sets", {:safe => {:w => 2}}) 6000.times do |n| @coll.save({:a => n}) end cursor = @coll.find() cursor.next cursor.close end # TODO: enable this once we enable reads from tags. # def test_query_tagged # col = @db['mongo-test'] # col.insert({:a => 1}, :safe => {:w => 3}) # col.find_one({}, :read => {:db => "main"}) # col.find_one({}, :read => {:dc => "ny"}) # col.find_one({}, :read => {:dc => "sf"}) # assert_raise Mongo::NodeWithTagsNotFound do # col.find_one({}, :read => {:foo => "bar"}) # end # threads = [] # 100.times do # threads << Thread.new do # col.find_one({}, :read => {:dc => "sf"}) # end # end # threads.each {|t| t.join } # col.remove # end #def teardown # self.rs.restart_killed_nodes #end end