# -- # Copyright (C) 2008-2009 10gen Inc. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License # for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # ++ require 'mongo/db' module XGen module Mongo module Driver # Represents a Mongo database server. class Mongo DEFAULT_PORT = 27017 # Either nodes_or_host is a host name string and port is an optional # port number that defaults to DEFAULT_PORT, or nodes_or_host is an # array of arrays, where each is a host/port pair (or a host with no # port). Finally, if nodes_or_host is nil then host is 'localhost' and # port is DEFAULT_PORT. Since that's so confusing, here are a few # examples: # # Mongo.new # localhost, DEFAULT_PORT # Mongo.new("localhost") # localhost, DEFAULT_PORT # Mongo.new("localhost", 3000) # localhost, 3000 # Mongo.new([["localhost"]]) # localhost, DEFAULT_PORT # Mongo.new([["localhost", 3000]]) # localhost, 3000 # Mongo.new([["db1.example.com", 3000], ["db2.example.com", 3000]]]) # # When a DB object first connects, it tries nodes and stops at the # first one it connects to. def initialize(nodes_or_host=nil, port=nil) @nodes = case nodes_or_host when String [[nodes_or_host, port || DEFAULT_PORT]] when Array nodes_or_host.collect { |nh| [nh[0], nh[1] || DEFAULT_PORT] } when nil [['localhost', DEFAULT_PORT]] end end # Return the XGen::Mongo::Driver::DB named +db_name+. See DB#new for # +options+. def db(db_name, options={}) XGen::Mongo::Driver::DB.new(db_name, @nodes, options) end # Returns a hash containing database names as keys and disk space for # each as values. def database_info doc = single_db_command('admin', :listDatabases => 1) h = {} doc['databases'].each { |db| h[db['name']] = db['sizeOnDisk'].to_i } h end # Returns an array of database names. def database_names database_info.keys end # Not implemented. def clone_database(from) raise "not implemented" end # Not implemented. def copy_database(from_host, from_db, to_db) raise "not implemented" end # Drops the database +name+. def drop_database(name) single_db_command(name, :dropDatabase => 1) end protected # Send cmd (a hash, possibly ordered) to the admin database and return # the answer. Raises an error unless the return is "ok" (DB#ok? # returns +true+). def single_db_command(db_name, cmd) db = nil begin db = db(db_name) doc = db.db_command(cmd) raise "error retrieving database info: #{doc.inspect}" unless db.ok?(doc) doc ensure db.close if db end end end end end end