# -- # Copyright (C) 2008-2009 10gen Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ++ require 'socket' require 'digest/md5' require 'thread' require 'mongo/collection' require 'mongo/util/ordered_hash.rb' require 'mongo/admin' module Mongo # A Mongo database. class DB STANDARD_HEADER_SIZE = 16 RESPONSE_HEADER_SIZE = 20 SYSTEM_NAMESPACE_COLLECTION = "system.namespaces" SYSTEM_INDEX_COLLECTION = "system.indexes" SYSTEM_PROFILE_COLLECTION = "system.profile" SYSTEM_USER_COLLECTION = "system.users" SYSTEM_COMMAND_COLLECTION = "$cmd" # Counter for generating unique request ids. @@current_request_id = 0 # Strict mode enforces collection existence checks. When +true+, # asking for a collection that does not exist or trying to create a # collection that already exists raises an error. # # Strict mode is off (+false+) by default. Its value can be changed at # any time. attr_writer :strict # Returns the value of the +strict+ flag. def strict?; @strict; end # The name of the database. attr_reader :name attr_reader :connection # Host to which we are currently connected. attr_reader :host # Port to which we are currently connected. attr_reader :port # An array of [host, port] pairs. attr_reader :nodes # The database's socket. For internal (and Cursor) use only. attr_reader :socket # The logger instance if :logger is passed to initialize attr_reader :logger def slave_ok?; @slave_ok; end def auto_reconnect?; @auto_reconnect; end # A primary key factory object (or +nil+). See the README.doc file or # DB#new for details. attr_reader :pk_factory def pk_factory=(pk_factory) raise "error: can not change PK factory" if @pk_factory @pk_factory = pk_factory end # Instances of DB are normally obtained by calling Mongo#db. # # db_name :: The database name # # nodes :: An array of [host, port] pairs. See Connection#new, which offers # a more flexible way of defining nodes. # # options :: A hash of options. # # Options: # # :strict :: If true, collections must exist to be accessed and must # not exist to be created. See #collection and # #create_collection. # # :pk :: A primary key factory object that must respond to :create_pk, # which should take a hash and return a hash which merges the # original hash with any primary key fields the factory wishes # to inject. (NOTE: if the object already has a primary key, # the factory should not inject a new key; this means that the # object is being used in a repsert but it already exists.) The # idea here is that when ever a record is inserted, the :pk # object's +create_pk+ method will be called and the new hash # returned will be inserted. # # :slave_ok :: Only used if +nodes+ contains only one host/port. If # false, when connecting to that host/port we check to # see if the server is the master. If it is not, an error # is thrown. # # :auto_reconnect :: If the connection gets closed (for example, we # have a server pair and saw the "not master" # error, which closes the connection), then # automatically try to reconnect to the master or # to the single server we have been given. Defaults # to +false+. # :logger :: Optional Logger instance to which driver usage information # will be logged. # # When a DB object first connects to a pair, it will find the master # instance and connect to that one. On socket error or if we recieve a # "not master" error, we again find the master of the pair. def initialize(db_name, nodes, options={}) case db_name when Symbol, String else raise TypeError, "db_name must be a string or symbol" end [" ", ".", "$", "/", "\\"].each do |invalid_char| if db_name.include? invalid_char raise InvalidName, "database names cannot contain the character '#{invalid_char}'" end end if db_name.empty? raise InvalidName, "database name cannot be the empty string" end @connection = options[:connection] @name, @nodes = db_name, nodes @strict = options[:strict] @pk_factory = options[:pk] @slave_ok = options[:slave_ok] && @nodes.length == 1 # only OK if one node @auto_reconnect = options[:auto_reconnect] @semaphore = Mutex.new @socket = nil @logger = options[:logger] connect_to_master end def connect_to_master close if @socket @host = @port = nil @nodes.detect { |hp| @host, @port = *hp begin @socket = TCPSocket.new(@host, @port) @socket.setsockopt(Socket::IPPROTO_TCP, Socket::TCP_NODELAY, 1) # Check for master. Can't call master? because it uses mutex, # which may already be in use during this call. semaphore_is_locked = @semaphore.locked? @semaphore.unlock if semaphore_is_locked is_master = master? @semaphore.lock if semaphore_is_locked if !@slave_ok && !is_master raise ConfigurationError, "Trying to connect directly to slave; if this is what you want, specify :slave_ok => true." end @slave_ok || is_master rescue SocketError, SystemCallError, IOError => ex close if @socket false end } raise "error: failed to connect to any given host:port" unless @socket end # Returns true if +username+ has +password+ in # +SYSTEM_USER_COLLECTION+. +name+ is username, +password+ is # plaintext password. def authenticate(username, password) doc = db_command(:getnonce => 1) raise "error retrieving nonce: #{doc}" unless ok?(doc) nonce = doc['nonce'] auth = OrderedHash.new auth['authenticate'] = 1 auth['user'] = username auth['nonce'] = nonce auth['key'] = Digest::MD5.hexdigest("#{nonce}#{username}#{hash_password(username, password)}") ok?(db_command(auth)) end # Deauthorizes use for this database for this connection. def logout doc = db_command(:logout => 1) raise "error logging out: #{doc.inspect}" unless ok?(doc) end # Returns an array of collection names in this database. def collection_names names = collections_info.collect { |doc| doc['name'] || '' } names = names.delete_if {|name| name.index(@name).nil? || name.index('$')} names.map {|name| name.sub(@name + '.', '')} end # Retruns an array of Collection instances, one for each collection in this # database. def collections collection_names.map do |collection_name| Collection.new(self, collection_name) end end # Returns a cursor over query result hashes. Each hash contains a # 'name' string and optionally an 'options' hash. If +coll_name+ is # specified, an array of length 1 is returned. def collections_info(coll_name=nil) selector = {} selector[:name] = full_collection_name(coll_name) if coll_name Cursor.new(Collection.new(self, SYSTEM_NAMESPACE_COLLECTION), :selector => selector) end # Create a collection. If +strict+ is false, will return existing or # new collection. If +strict+ is true, will raise an error if # collection +name+ already exists. # # Options is an optional hash: # # :capped :: Boolean. If not specified, capped is +false+. # # :size :: If +capped+ is +true+, specifies the maximum number of # bytes. If +false+, specifies the initial extent of the # collection. # # :max :: Max number of records in a capped collection. Optional. def create_collection(name, options={}) # First check existence if collection_names.include?(name) if strict? raise "Collection #{name} already exists. Currently in strict mode." else return Collection.new(self, name) end end # Create new collection oh = OrderedHash.new oh[:create] = name doc = db_command(oh.merge(options || {})) ok = doc['ok'] return Collection.new(self, name, @pk_factory) if ok.kind_of?(Numeric) && (ok.to_i == 1 || ok.to_i == 0) raise "Error creating collection: #{doc.inspect}" end def admin Admin.new(self) end # Return a collection. If +strict+ is false, will return existing or # new collection. If +strict+ is true, will raise an error if # collection +name+ does not already exists. def collection(name) return Collection.new(self, name, @pk_factory) if !strict? || collection_names.include?(name) raise "Collection #{name} doesn't exist. Currently in strict mode." end alias_method :[], :collection # Drop collection +name+. Returns +true+ on success or if the # collection does not exist, +false+ otherwise. def drop_collection(name) return true unless collection_names.include?(name) ok?(db_command(:drop => name)) end # Returns the error message from the most recently executed database # operation for this connection, or +nil+ if there was no error. def error doc = db_command(:getlasterror => 1) raise "error retrieving last error: #{doc}" unless ok?(doc) doc['err'] end # Get status information from the last operation on this connection. def last_status db_command(:getlasterror => 1) end # Returns +true+ if an error was caused by the most recently executed # database operation. def error? error != nil end # Get the most recent error to have occured on this database # # Only returns errors that have occured since the last call to # DB#reset_error_history - returns +nil+ if there is no such error. def previous_error error = db_command(:getpreverror => 1) if error["err"] error else nil end end # Reset the error history of this database # # Calls to DB#previous_error will only return errors that have occurred # since the most recent call to this method. def reset_error_history db_command(:reseterror => 1) end # Returns true if this database is a master (or is not paired with any # other database), false if it is a slave. def master? doc = db_command(:ismaster => 1) is_master = doc['ismaster'] ok?(doc) && is_master.kind_of?(Numeric) && is_master.to_i == 1 end # Returns a string of the form "host:port" that points to the master # database. Works even if this is the master database. def master doc = db_command(:ismaster => 1) is_master = doc['ismaster'] raise "Error retrieving master database: #{doc.inspect}" unless ok?(doc) && is_master.kind_of?(Numeric) case is_master.to_i when 1 "#@host:#@port" else doc['remote'] end end # Close the connection to the database. def close if @socket s = @socket @socket = nil s.close end end def connected? @socket != nil end def receive_full(length) message = "" while message.length < length do chunk = @socket.recv(length - message.length) raise "connection closed" unless chunk.length > 0 message += chunk end message end # Returns a Cursor over the query results. # # Note that the query gets sent lazily; the cursor calls # #send_query_message when needed. If the caller never requests an # object from the cursor, the query never gets sent. def query(collection, query, admin=false) Cursor.new(self, collection, query, admin) end # Dereference a DBRef, getting the document it points to. def dereference(dbref) collection(dbref.namespace).find_one("_id" => dbref.object_id) end # Evaluate a JavaScript expression on MongoDB. # +code+ should be a string or Code instance containing a JavaScript # expression. Additional arguments will be passed to that expression # when it is run on the server. def eval(code, *args) if not code.is_a? Code code = Code.new(code) end oh = OrderedHash.new oh[:$eval] = code oh[:args] = args doc = db_command(oh) return doc['retval'] if ok?(doc) raise OperationFailure, "eval failed: #{doc['errmsg']}" end # Rename collection +from+ to +to+. Meant to be called by # Collection#rename. def rename_collection(from, to) oh = OrderedHash.new oh[:renameCollection] = "#{@name}.#{from}" oh[:to] = "#{@name}.#{to}" doc = db_command(oh, true) raise "Error renaming collection: #{doc.inspect}" unless ok?(doc) end # Drop index +name+ from +collection_name+. Normally called from # Collection#drop_index or Collection#drop_indexes. def drop_index(collection_name, name) oh = OrderedHash.new oh[:deleteIndexes] = collection_name oh[:index] = name doc = db_command(oh) raise "Error with drop_index command: #{doc.inspect}" unless ok?(doc) end # Get information on the indexes for the collection +collection_name+. # Normally called by Collection#index_information. Returns a hash where # the keys are index names (as returned by Collection#create_index and # the values are lists of [key, direction] pairs specifying the index # (as passed to Collection#create_index). def index_information(collection_name) sel = {:ns => full_collection_name(collection_name)} info = {} Cursor.new(Collection.new(self, SYSTEM_INDEX_COLLECTION), :selector => sel).each { |index| info[index['name']] = index['key'].to_a } info end # Create a new index on +collection_name+. +field_or_spec+ # should be either a single field name or a Array of [field name, # direction] pairs. Directions should be specified as # Mongo::ASCENDING or Mongo::DESCENDING. Normally called # by Collection#create_index. If +unique+ is true the index will # enforce a uniqueness constraint. def create_index(collection_name, field_or_spec, unique=false) self.collection(collection_name).create_index(field_or_spec, unique) end # Sends a message to MongoDB. # # Takes a MongoDB opcode, +operation+, a message of class ByteBuffer, # +message+, and an optional formatted +log_message+. # Sends the message to the databse, adding the necessary headers. def send_message_with_operation(operation, message, log_message=nil) message_with_headers = add_message_headers(operation, message).to_s @logger.debug(" MONGODB #{log_message || message}") if @logger @semaphore.synchronize do send_message_on_socket(message_with_headers) end end def send_message_with_operation_raw(operation, message, log_message=nil) message_with_headers = add_message_headers_raw(operation, message) @logger.debug(" MONGODB #{log_message || message}") if @logger @semaphore.synchronize do send_message_on_socket(message_with_headers) end end # Sends a message to the database, waits for a response, and raises # and exception if the operation has failed. def send_message_with_safe_check(operation, message, log_message=nil) message_with_headers = add_message_headers(operation, message) message_with_check = last_error_message @logger.debug(" MONGODB #{log_message || message}") if @logger @semaphore.synchronize do send_message_on_socket(message_with_headers.append!(message_with_check).to_s) docs, num_received, cursor_id = receive if num_received == 1 && error = docs[0]['err'] raise Mongo::OperationFailure, error end end end # Send a message to the database and waits for the response. def receive_message_with_operation(operation, message, log_message=nil) message_with_headers = add_message_headers(operation, message).to_s @logger.debug(" MONGODB #{log_message || message}") if @logger @semaphore.synchronize do send_message_on_socket(message_with_headers) receive end end # Return +true+ if +doc+ contains an 'ok' field with the value 1. def ok?(doc) ok = doc['ok'] ok.kind_of?(Numeric) && ok.to_i == 1 end # DB commands need to be ordered, so selector must be an OrderedHash # (or a Hash with only one element). What DB commands really need is # that the "command" key be first. def db_command(selector, use_admin_db=false) if !selector.kind_of?(OrderedHash) if !selector.kind_of?(Hash) || selector.keys.length > 1 raise "db_command must be given an OrderedHash when there is more than one key" end end cursor = Cursor.new(Collection.new(self, SYSTEM_COMMAND_COLLECTION), :admin => use_admin_db, :limit => -1, :selector => selector) cursor.next_object end # Sends a command to the database. # # :selector (required) :: An OrderedHash, or a standard Hash with just one # key, specifying the command to be performed. # # :admin (optional) :: If true, the command will be executed on the admin # collection. # # :check_response (optional) :: If true, will raise an exception if the # command fails. # # Note: DB commands must start with the "command" key. For this reason, # any selector containing more than one key must be an OrderedHash. def command(selector, admin=false, check_response=false) raise MongoArgumentError, "command must be given a selector" unless selector.is_a?(Hash) && !selector.empty? if selector.class.eql?(Hash) && selector.keys.length > 1 raise MongoArgumentError, "DB#command requires an OrderedHash when hash contains multiple keys" end result = Cursor.new(system_command_collection, :admin => admin, :limit => -1, :selector => selector).next_object if check_response && !ok?(result) raise OperationFailure, "Database command '#{selector.keys.first}' failed." else result end end def full_collection_name(collection_name) "#{@name}.#{collection_name}" end private def receive receive_header number_received, cursor_id = receive_response_header read_documents(number_received, cursor_id) end def receive_header header = ByteBuffer.new header.put_array(receive_data_on_socket(16).unpack("C*")) unless header.size == STANDARD_HEADER_SIZE raise "Short read for DB response header: " + "expected #{STANDARD_HEADER_SIZE} bytes, saw #{header.size}" end header.rewind size = header.get_int request_id = header.get_int response_to = header.get_int op = header.get_int end def receive_response_header header_buf = ByteBuffer.new header_buf.put_array(receive_data_on_socket(RESPONSE_HEADER_SIZE).unpack("C*")) if header_buf.length != RESPONSE_HEADER_SIZE raise "Short read for DB response header; " + "expected #{RESPONSE_HEADER_SIZE} bytes, saw #{header_buf.length}" end header_buf.rewind result_flags = header_buf.get_int cursor_id = header_buf.get_long starting_from = header_buf.get_int number_remaining = header_buf.get_int [number_remaining, cursor_id] end def read_documents(number_received, cursor_id) docs = [] number_remaining = number_received while number_remaining > 0 do buf = ByteBuffer.new buf.put_array(receive_data_on_socket(4).unpack("C*")) buf.rewind size = buf.get_int buf.put_array(receive_data_on_socket(size - 4).unpack("C*"), 4) number_remaining -= 1 buf.rewind docs << BSON.new.deserialize(buf) end [docs, number_received, cursor_id] end # Sending a message on socket. def send_message_on_socket(packed_message) connect_to_master if !connected? && @auto_reconnect begin @socket.print(packed_message) @socket.flush rescue => ex close raise ex end end # Receive data of specified length on socket. def receive_data_on_socket(length) message = "" while message.length < length do chunk = @socket.recv(length - message.length) raise "connection closed" unless chunk.length > 0 message += chunk end message end # Prepares a message for transmission to MongoDB by # constructing a valid message header. def add_message_headers(operation, message) headers = ByteBuffer.new # Message size. headers.put_int(16 + message.size) # Unique request id. headers.put_int(get_request_id) # Response id. headers.put_int(0) # Opcode. headers.put_int(operation) message.prepend!(headers) end # Increments and then returns the next available request id. # Note: this method should be called from within a lock. def get_request_id @@current_request_id += 1 @@current_request_id end # Creates a getlasterror message. def last_error_message generate_last_error_message end def generate_last_error_message message = ByteBuffer.new message.put_int(0) BSON.serialize_cstr(message, "#{@name}.$cmd") message.put_int(0) message.put_int(-1) message.put_array(BSON_SERIALIZER.serialize({:getlasterror => 1}, false).unpack("C*")) add_message_headers(Mongo::Constants::OP_QUERY, message) end def reset_error_message @@reset_error_message ||= generate_reset_error_message end def generate_reset_error_message message = ByteBuffer.new message.put_int(0) BSON.serialize_cstr(message, "#{@name}.$cmd") message.put_int(0) message.put_int(-1) message.put_array(BSON_SERIALIZER.serialize({:reseterror => 1}, false).unpack("C*")) add_message_headers(Mongo::Constants::OP_QUERY, message) end def hash_password(username, plaintext) Digest::MD5.hexdigest("#{username}:mongo:#{plaintext}") end def system_command_collection Collection.new(self, SYSTEM_COMMAND_COLLECTION) end end end