#!/usr/bin/env ruby $LOAD_PATH.unshift(File.expand_path("../../lib", __FILE__)) require 'rubygems' require 'getoptlong' require 'json' require 'benchmark' require 'test-unit' def set_mode(mode) case mode when 'c' ENV.delete('TEST_MODE') ENV['C_EXT'] = 'TRUE' when 'ruby' ENV['TEST_MODE'] = 'TRUE' ENV.delete('C_EXT') else raise 'mode must be c or ruby' end return mode end $description = 'Exploratory/Experimental/Exponential tests for Ruby-driver performance tuning' $calibration_runtime = 0.1 $target_runtime = 5.0 $db_name = 'benchmark' $collection_name = 'exp_series' $mode = set_mode('c') $hostname = `uname -n`[/([^.]*)/,1] $osname = `uname -s`.strip $tag = `git log -1 --format=oneline`.split[0] $date = Time.now.strftime('%Y%m%d-%H%M') options_with_help = [ [ '--help', '-h', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT, '', 'show help' ], [ '--mode', '-m', GetoptLong::OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, ' mode', 'set mode to "c" or "ruby" (c)' ], [ '--tag', '-t', GetoptLong::OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, ' tag', 'set tag for run, default is git commit key' ] ] options = options_with_help.collect{|option|option[0...3]} GetoptLong.new(*options).each do |opt, arg| case opt when '--help' puts "#{$0} -- #{$description}\n" puts "usage: #{$0} [performance-options] [-- test-unit-options]" puts "example: #{$0} --mode c --tag with-c-ext -- --verbose --name test_insert" puts "performance-options:" options_with_help.each{|option| puts "#{option[0]}#{option[3]}, #{option[1]}#{option[3]}\n\t#{option[4]}"} exit 0 when '--mode' $mode = set_mode(arg) when '--tag' $tag = arg end end require 'mongo' # must be after option processing class Hash def store_embedded(key, value) case key when /([^.]*)\.(.*)/ store($1, Hash.new) unless fetch($1, nil) self[$1].store_embedded($2, value) else store(key, value) end end end def sys_info h = Hash.new if FileTest.executable?('/usr/sbin/sysctl') text = `/usr/sbin/sysctl -a kern.ostype kern.version kern.hostname hw.machine hw.model hw.cputype hw.busfrequency hw.cpufrequency` values = text.split(/\n/).collect{|line| /([^:]*) *[:=] *(.*)/.match(line)[1..2]} h = Hash.new values.each{|key, value| h.store_embedded(key, value) } end return h end class TestExpPerformance < Test::Unit::TestCase setup :setup_test_set teardown :teardown_test_set def array_nest(base, level, obj) return obj if level == 0 return Array.new(base, array_nest(base, level - 1, obj)) end def test__array_nest assert_equal(1, array_nest(2,0,1)) assert_equal([1, 1], array_nest(2,1,1)) assert_equal([[1, 1], [1, 1]], array_nest(2,2,1)) assert_equal([[[1, 1], [1, 1]], [[1, 1], [1, 1]]], array_nest(2,3,1)) assert_equal(1, array_nest(4,0,1)) assert_equal([1, 1, 1, 1], array_nest(4,1,1)) assert_equal([[1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1]], array_nest(4,2,1)) assert_equal(1, array_nest(8,0,1)) assert_equal([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], array_nest(8,1,1)) end def hash_nest(base, level, obj) return obj if level == 0 h = Hash.new (0...base).each{|i| h[i.to_s] = hash_nest(base, level - 1, obj)} return h end def test__hash_nest assert_equal(1, hash_nest(2, 0, 1)) assert_equal({"0"=>1, "1"=>1}, hash_nest(2, 1, 1)) assert_equal({"0"=>{"0"=>1, "1"=>1}, "1"=>{"0"=>1, "1"=>1}}, hash_nest(2, 2, 1)) assert_equal({"0"=>{"0"=>{"0"=>1, "1"=>1}, "1"=>{"0"=>1, "1"=>1}}, "1"=>{"0"=>{"0"=>1, "1"=>1}, "1"=>{"0"=>1, "1"=>1}}}, hash_nest(2, 3, 1)) assert_equal(1, hash_nest(4,0,1)) assert_equal({"0"=>1, "1"=>1, "2"=>1, "3"=>1}, hash_nest(4,1,1)) assert_equal({"0"=>{"0"=>1, "1"=>1, "2"=>1, "3"=>1}, "1"=>{"0"=>1, "1"=>1, "2"=>1, "3"=>1}, "2"=>{"0"=>1, "1"=>1, "2"=>1, "3"=>1}, "3"=>{"0"=>1, "1"=>1, "2"=>1, "3"=>1}}, hash_nest(4,2,1)) assert_equal(1, hash_nest(8,0,1)) assert_equal({"0"=>1, "1"=>1, "2"=>1, "3"=>1, "4"=>1, "5"=>1, "6"=>1, "7"=>1}, hash_nest(8,1,1)) end def multi_doc(multi_power, doc) return doc if multi_power == -1 return (2 ** multi_power).times.collect{doc.dup} end def test_multi_doc doc = {'a' => 1} assert_equal({"a"=>1}, multi_doc(-1, doc)) assert_equal([{"a"=>1}], multi_doc(0, doc)) assert_equal([{"a"=>1}, {"a"=>1}], multi_doc(1, doc)) assert_equal([{"a"=>1}, {"a"=>1}, {"a"=>1}, {"a"=>1}], multi_doc(2, doc)) assert_equal(8, multi_doc(3, doc).size) assert_equal(16, multi_doc(4, doc).size) assert_equal(32, multi_doc(5, doc).size) mdoc = multi_doc(2, doc) mdoc[0]['b'] = 2 assert_equal([{"a"=>1, "b"=>2}, {"a"=>1}, {"a"=>1}, {"a"=>1}], mdoc, 'non-dup doc will fail for insert many safe') end # Performance Tuning Engineering ## Completed ### How to measure and compare pure Ruby versus C extension performance ## Current Work Items ### Profiling of C extension ## Overall Strategy ### Prioritize/Review Ruby 1.9.3, JRuby 1.6.7, Ruby 1.8.7 ### Run spectrum of exploratory performance tests ### Graph results with flot in HTML wrapper - http://code.google.com/p/flot/ ### Select test for profiling ### Find where time is being spent ### Construct specific performance test ### Iteratively tune specific performance test ### Iterate selection of test for profiling ## Notes ### Start with Create/insert, writing comes first ### Then Read/find, reading comes next. both findOne and find-cursor ### Update is primarily server load with minimal driver load for conditions ### Delete/remove is primarily server load with minimal driver load for conditions ## Benefits ### Performance Improvements ### Knowledge of Ruby driver and techniques ### Perhaps architecture and design improvements ### Lessons transferable to other drivers ## HW Info ### Linux - /proc/cpuinfo ### Mac OS X - sysctl -a hw def setup_test_set @conn = Mongo::Connection.new @conn.drop_database($db_name) @db = @conn.db($db_name) @coll = @db.collection($collection_name) @coll.remove @results = [] puts p ({'mode' => $mode , 'hostname' => $hostname, 'osname' => $osname, 'date' => $date, 'tag' => $tag}) puts sys_info end def teardown_test_set # consider inserting the results into a database collection # Test::Unit::TestCase pollutes STDOUT, so write to a file File.open("exp_series-#{$date}-#{$tag}.js", 'w+'){|f| f.puts(@results.to_json.gsub(/\[/, "").gsub(/}[\],]/, "},\n")) unless @results.empty? } @conn.drop_database($db_name) end def estimate_iterations(db, coll, doc, setup, teardown) start_time = Time.now iterations = 1 utime = 0.0 while utime <= $calibration_runtime do setup.call(db, coll, doc, iterations) btms = Benchmark.measure do (0...iterations).each do yield end end utime = btms.utime teardown.call(db, coll) iterations *= 2 end etime = (Time.now - start_time) return [(iterations.to_f * $target_runtime / utime).to_i, etime] end def measure_iterations(db, coll, doc, setup, teardown, iterations) setup.call(db, coll, doc, iterations) btms = Benchmark.measure { iterations.times { yield } } teardown.call(db, coll) return [btms.utime, btms.real] end def valuate(db, coll, doc, setup, teardown) @conn.drop_database($db_name) # hack to reduce paging iterations, etime = estimate_iterations(db, coll, doc, setup, teardown) { yield } @conn.drop_database($db_name) # hack to reduce paging utime, rtime = measure_iterations(db, coll, doc, setup, teardown, iterations) { yield } return [iterations, utime, rtime, etime] end def power_test(args) base, max_power, multi, generator, setup, operation, teardown = args generator, setup, operation, teardown = method(generator), method(setup), method(operation), method(teardown) return (0..max_power).collect do |power| multi_start, multi_end = (multi == -1) ? [-1, -1] : [0, multi] (multi_start..multi_end).collect do |multi_power| size, doc = generator.call(base, power) doc = multi_doc(multi_power, doc) multi_size = (doc.class == Array) ? doc.size : 1; iterations, utime, rtime, etime = valuate(@db, @coll, doc, setup, teardown) { operation.call(@coll, doc) } multi_iterations = multi_size.to_f * iterations.to_f result = { 'base' => base, 'power' => power, 'size' => size, 'exp2' => Math.log2(size).to_i, 'multi_power' => multi_power, 'multi_size' => multi_size, 'generator' => generator.name.to_s, 'operation' => operation.name.to_s, 'iterations' => iterations, 'utime' => utime.round(2), 'rtime' => rtime.round(2), 'ut_ops' => (multi_iterations / utime.to_f).round(1), 'rt_ops' => (multi_iterations / rtime.to_f).round(1), 'ut_usec' => (1000000.0 * utime.to_f / multi_iterations).round(1), 'rt_usec' => (1000000.0 * rtime.to_f / multi_iterations).round(1), 'etime' => etime.round(2), 'mode' => $mode, 'hostname' => $hostname, 'osname' => $osname, 'date' => $date, 'tag' => $tag, # 'nbench-int' => nbench.int, # thinking } STDERR.puts result.inspect STDERR.flush result end end.flatten end def value_string_size(base, power) n = base ** power return [n, {n.to_s => ('*' * n)}] end def key_string_size(base, power) n = base ** power return [n, {('*' * n) => n}] end def hash_size_fixnum(base, power) n = base ** power h = Hash.new (0...n).each { |i| h[i.to_s] = i } return [n, {n.to_s => h}] # embedded like array_size_fixnum end def array_size_fixnum(base, power) n = base ** power return [n, {n.to_s => Array.new(n, n)}] end def array_nest_fixnum(base, power) n = base ** power return [n, {n.to_s => array_nest(base, power, n)}] end def hash_nest_fixnum(base, power) n = base ** power return [n, {n.to_s => hash_nest(base, power, n)}] end def null_setup(db, coll, doc, iterations) end def find_one_setup(db, coll, doc, iterations) insert(coll, doc) end def cursor_setup(db, coll, doc, iterations) (0...(iterations - coll.size)).each{insert(coll, doc)} #TODO - insert many @cursor = coll.find @queries = 1 end def clear_ids(doc) # delete :_id to really insert, required for safe if doc.class == Array doc.each{|d|d.delete(:_id)} else doc.delete(:_id) end end def insert(coll, doc) clear_ids(doc) coll.insert(doc) # note that insert stores :_id in doc and subsequent inserts are updates end def insert_safe(coll, doc) clear_ids(doc) coll.insert(doc, :safe => true) # note that insert stores :_id in doc and subsequent inserts with :_id are updates end def cursor_next(coll, doc) h = @cursor.next unless h @cursor = coll.find @queries += 1 @cursor.next end end def find_one(coll, doc) h = coll.find_one raise "find_one failed" unless h end def default_teardown(db, coll) coll.remove raise 'coll not removed' if coll.size > 0 end def cursor_teardown(db, coll) puts "queries: #{@queries}" if @queries > 1 default_teardown(db, coll) end def test_insert [ [2, 15, -1, :value_string_size, :null_setup, :insert, :default_teardown], [2, 15, -1, :key_string_size, :null_setup, :insert, :default_teardown], [2, 14, -1, :array_size_fixnum, :null_setup, :insert, :default_teardown], [2, 17, -1, :hash_size_fixnum, :null_setup, :insert, :default_teardown], [2, 12, -1, :array_nest_fixnum, :null_setup, :insert, :default_teardown], [2, 15, -1, :hash_nest_fixnum, :null_setup, :insert, :default_teardown], ].each{|args| @results += power_test(args)} end def test_insert_nest_full [ [2, 12, -1, :array_nest_fixnum, :null_setup, :insert, :default_teardown], [4, 6, -1, :array_nest_fixnum, :null_setup, :insert, :default_teardown], [8, 4, -1, :array_nest_fixnum, :null_setup, :insert, :default_teardown], [16, 3, -1, :array_nest_fixnum, :null_setup, :insert, :default_teardown], [32, 2, -1, :array_nest_fixnum, :null_setup, :insert, :default_teardown], [2, 15, -1, :hash_nest_fixnum, :null_setup, :insert, :default_teardown], [4, 8, -1, :hash_nest_fixnum, :null_setup, :insert, :default_teardown], [8, 4, -1, :hash_nest_fixnum, :null_setup, :insert, :default_teardown], [16, 4, -1, :hash_nest_fixnum, :null_setup, :insert, :default_teardown], [32, 3, -1, :hash_nest_fixnum, :null_setup, :insert, :default_teardown], ].each{|args| @results += power_test(args)} end def test_array_fast [ [2, 14, -1, :array_size_fixnum, :null_setup, :insert, :default_teardown], [2, 17, -1, :hash_size_fixnum, :null_setup, :insert, :default_teardown], [2, 12, -1, :array_nest_fixnum, :null_setup, :insert, :default_teardown], [2, 15, -1, :hash_nest_fixnum, :null_setup, :insert, :default_teardown], ].each{|args| @results += power_test(args)} end def test_insert_safe [ [2, 15, -1, :value_string_size, :null_setup, :insert_safe, :default_teardown], [2, 15, -1, :key_string_size, :null_setup, :insert_safe, :default_teardown], [2, 14, -1, :array_size_fixnum, :null_setup, :insert_safe, :default_teardown], [2, 17, -1, :hash_size_fixnum, :null_setup, :insert_safe, :default_teardown], [2, 12, -1, :array_nest_fixnum, :null_setup, :insert_safe, :default_teardown], [2, 15, -1, :hash_nest_fixnum, :null_setup, :insert_safe, :default_teardown], ].each{|args| @results += power_test(args)} end def test_insert_many [ [2, 2, 10, :value_string_size, :null_setup, :insert, :default_teardown], [2, 14, 10, :hash_size_fixnum, :null_setup, :insert, :default_teardown], [2, 14, 10, :array_size_fixnum, :null_setup, :insert, :default_teardown], ].each{|args| @results += power_test(args)} end def test_insert_many_safe [ [2, 2, 10, :value_string_size, :null_setup, :insert_safe, :default_teardown], [2, 14, 10, :hash_size_fixnum, :null_setup, :insert_safe, :default_teardown], [2, 14, 10, :array_size_fixnum, :null_setup, :insert_safe, :default_teardown], ].each{|args| @results += power_test(args)} end def test_find [ [2, 15, -1, :value_string_size, :cursor_setup, :cursor_next, :cursor_teardown], [2, 15, -1, :key_string_size, :cursor_setup, :cursor_next, :cursor_teardown], [2, 14, -1, :array_size_fixnum, :cursor_setup, :cursor_next, :cursor_teardown], [2, 17, -1, :hash_size_fixnum, :cursor_setup, :cursor_next, :cursor_teardown], [2, 12, -1, :array_nest_fixnum, :cursor_setup, :cursor_next, :cursor_teardown], [2, 15, -1, :hash_nest_fixnum, :cursor_setup, :cursor_next, :cursor_teardown], ].each{|args| @results += power_test(args)} end def test_find_one [ [2, 15, -1, :value_string_size, :find_one_setup, :find_one, :default_teardown], [2, 15, -1, :key_string_size, :find_one_setup, :find_one, :default_teardown], [2, 14, -1, :array_size_fixnum, :find_one_setup, :find_one, :default_teardown], [2, 17, -1, :hash_size_fixnum, :find_one_setup, :find_one, :default_teardown], [2, 12, -1, :array_nest_fixnum, :find_one_setup, :find_one, :default_teardown], [2, 15, -1, :hash_nest_fixnum, :find_one_setup, :find_one, :default_teardown], ].each{|args| @results += power_test(args)} end def xtest_update [ # pending ].each{|args| @results += power_test(args)} end def xtest_remove [ # pending ].each{|args| @results += power_test(args)} end # synthesized mix, real-world data pending end