# encoding: UTF-8 $:.unshift(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'lib')) MINIMUM_BSON_EXT_VERSION = "1.1.5" module BSON VERSION = "1.1.5" def self.serialize(obj, check_keys=false, move_id=false) BSON_CODER.serialize(obj, check_keys, move_id) end def self.deserialize(buf=nil) BSON_CODER.deserialize(buf) end # Reads a single BSON document from an IO object. # This method is used in the executable b2json, bundled with # the bson gem, for reading a file of bson documents. # # @param [IO] io an io object containing a bson object. # # @return [ByteBuffer] def self.read_bson_document(io) bytebuf = BSON::ByteBuffer.new sz = io.read(4).unpack("V")[0] bytebuf.put_int(sz) bytebuf.put_array(io.read(sz-4).unpack("C*")) bytebuf.rewind return BSON.deserialize(bytebuf) end end if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /java/ jar_dir = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'ext', 'java', 'jar') require File.join(jar_dir, 'mongo-2.2.jar') require File.join(jar_dir, 'bson-2.2.jar') require File.join(jar_dir, 'jbson.jar') require 'bson/bson_java' module BSON BSON_CODER = BSON_JAVA end else begin # Need this for running test with and without c ext in Ruby 1.9. raise LoadError if ENV['TEST_MODE'] && !ENV['C_EXT'] # Raise LoadError unless little endian raise LoadError unless [1,0,0,0].pack("i").bytes.first == 1 require 'bson_ext/cbson' raise LoadError unless defined?(CBson::VERSION) if CBson::VERSION < MINIMUM_BSON_EXT_VERSION puts "Able to load bson_ext version #{CBson::VERSION}, but >= #{MINIMUM_BSON_EXT_VERSION} is required." raise LoadError end require 'bson/bson_c' module BSON BSON_CODER = BSON_C end rescue LoadError require 'bson/bson_ruby' module BSON BSON_CODER = BSON_RUBY end unless ENV['TEST_MODE'] warn "\n**Notice: C extension not loaded. This is required for optimum MongoDB Ruby driver performance." warn " You can install the extension as follows:\n gem install bson_ext\n" warn " If you continue to receive this message after installing, make sure that the" warn " bson_ext gem is in your load path and that the bson_ext and mongo gems are of the same version.\n" end end end require 'bson/types/binary' require 'bson/types/code' require 'bson/types/dbref' require 'bson/types/object_id' require 'bson/types/min_max_keys' require 'base64' require 'bson/ordered_hash' require 'bson/byte_buffer' require 'bson/bson_ruby' require 'bson/exceptions'