#!/usr/bin/env ruby require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '_common.rb') include Mongo db = Connection.new(DEFAULT_HOST, DEFAULT_PORT).db(DEFAULT_DB) x = db.collection('x') y = db.collection('y') def sorted_index_info(c) c.index_information.sort { |a,b| a[:name] <=> b[:name] } end def sorted_info_keys(info) info[:keys].keys.sort.collect { |key| "#{key}_1" }.join("_") end def check_keys(c, expected) keys = sorted_index_info(c).collect {|info| sorted_info_keys(info)} if keys == expected '' else "#{c.name} indices should start out #{expected.inspect} but is #{keys.inspect}" end end if $DEBUG x.drop # also drops indexes x.insert('field1' => 'f1', 'field2' => 'f2') x.create_index('field1_1', 'field1') x.create_index('field2_1', 'field2') y.drop end # There should only be two indices on x, and none on y. We raise an error if # the preconditions are not met. (They were not, on our testing harness, for a # while due to Mongo behavior.) err = [] err << check_keys(x, ['field1_1', 'field2_1']) err << check_keys(y, []) raise "\n#{err.join("\n")}" unless err == ['', ''] x.drop_index('field1_1') sorted_index_info(x).each { |info| puts sorted_info_keys(info) } y.create_index([['a', ASCENDING], ['b', ASCENDING], ['c', ASCENDING]]) y.create_index('d') sorted_index_info(y).each { |info| puts sorted_info_keys(info) }