require "rubygems" class Exception def errmsg "%s: %s\n%s" % [self.class, message, (backtrace || []).join("\n") << "\n"] end end $LOAD_PATH[0,0] = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'lib') require 'mongo' include XGen::Mongo::Driver host = ENV['MONGO_RUBY_DRIVER_HOST'] || 'localhost' port = ENV['MONGO_RUBY_DRIVER_PORT'] || XGen::Mongo::Driver::Mongo::DEFAULT_PORT puts ">> Connecting to #{host}:#{port}" DB =, port).db('ruby-mongo-blog') LINE_SIZE = 120 puts "=" * LINE_SIZE puts "Adding authors" authors = DB.collection "authors" authors.clear authors.create_index "meta", '_id' => 1, 'name' => 1, 'age' => 1 puts "-" * LINE_SIZE shaksp = authors << { :name => "William Shakespeare", :email => "", :age => 587 } puts "shaksp : #{shaksp.inspect}" borges = authors << { :name => "Jorge Luis Borges", :email => "", :age => 123 } puts "borges : #{borges.inspect}" puts "-" * LINE_SIZE puts "authors ordered by age ascending" puts "-" * LINE_SIZE authors.find({}, :sort => [{'age' => 1}]).each {|x| puts "%-25.25s : %-25.25s : %3i" % [x['name'], x['email'], x['age']]} puts "=" * LINE_SIZE puts "Adding users" users = DB.collection "users" users.clear # users.create_index "meta", :_id => 1, :login => 1, :name => 1 puts "-" * LINE_SIZE jdoe = users << { :login => "jdoe", :name => "John Doe", :email => "" } puts "jdoe : #{jdoe.inspect}" lsmt = users << { :login => "lsmith", :name => "Lucy Smith", :email => "" } puts "lsmt : #{lsmt.inspect}" puts "-" * LINE_SIZE puts "users ordered by login ascending" puts "-" * LINE_SIZE users.find({}, :sort => [{'login' => 1}]).each {|x| puts "%-10.10s : %-25.25s : %-25.25s" % [x['login'], x['name'], x['email']]} puts "=" * LINE_SIZE puts "Adding articles" articles = DB.collection "articles" articles.clear # articles.create_index "meta", :_id => 1, :author_id => 1, :title => 1 puts "-" * LINE_SIZE begin art1 = articles << { :title => "Caminando por Buenos Aires", :body => "Las callecitas de Buenos Aires tienen ese no se que...", :author_id => borges["_id"].to_s } puts "art1 : #{art1.inspect}" rescue => e puts "Error: #{e.errmsg}" end begin art2 = articles << { :title => "I must have seen thy face before", :body => "Thine eyes call me in a new way", :author_id => shaksp["_id"].to_s, :comments => [ { :user_id => jdoe["_id"].to_s, :body => "great article!" } ] } puts "art2 : #{art2.inspect}" rescue => e puts "Error: #{e.errmsg}" end puts "-" * LINE_SIZE puts "articles ordered by title ascending" puts "-" * LINE_SIZE articles.find({}, :sort => [{'title' => 1}]).each {|x| puts "%-25.25s : %-25.25s" % [x['title'], x['author_id']]} puts ">> Closing connection" DB.close puts "closed"