require './test/test_helper' # Essentialy the same as test_threading.rb but with an expanded pool for # testing multiple connections. class TestThreadingLargePool < Test::Unit::TestCase include Mongo @@db = standard_connection(:pool_size => 1, :timeout => 60).db(MONGO_TEST_DB) @@coll = @@db.collection('thread-test-collection') def set_up_safe_data @@db.drop_collection('duplicate') @@db.drop_collection('unique') @duplicate = @@db.collection('duplicate') @unique = @@db.collection('unique') @duplicate.insert("test" => "insert") @duplicate.insert("test" => "update") @unique.insert("test" => "insert") @unique.insert("test" => "update") @unique.create_index("test", :unique => true) end def test_safe_update set_up_safe_data threads = [] 300.times do |i| threads[i] = do if i % 2 == 0 assert_raise Mongo::OperationFailure do @unique.update({"test" => "insert"}, {"$set" => {"test" => "update"}}, :safe => true) end else @duplicate.update({"test" => "insert"}, {"$set" => {"test" => "update"}}, :safe => true) end end end 300.times do |i| threads[i].join end end def test_safe_insert set_up_safe_data threads = [] 300.times do |i| threads[i] = do if i % 2 == 0 assert_raise Mongo::OperationFailure do @unique.insert({"test" => "insert"}, :safe => true) end else @duplicate.insert({"test" => "insert"}, :safe => true) end end end 300.times do |i| threads[i].join end end def test_threading @@coll.drop @@coll = @@db.collection('thread-test-collection') 1000.times do |i| @@coll.insert("x" => i) end threads = [] 10.times do |i| threads[i] = do sum = 0 @@coll.find().each do |document| sum += document["x"] end assert_equal 499500, sum end end 10.times do |i| threads[i].join end end end