# encoding: UTF-8 # -- # Copyright (C) 2008-2011 10gen Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ++ # A byte buffer. module BSON class ByteBuffer attr_reader :order def initialize(initial_data="") @str = case initial_data when String then if initial_data.respond_to?(:force_encoding) initial_data.force_encoding('binary') else initial_data end when BSON::ByteBuffer then initial_data.to_a.pack('C*') else initial_data.pack('C*') end @cursor = @str.length @order = :little_endian @int_pack_order = 'V' @double_pack_order = 'E' end if RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9' NULL_BYTE = "\0".force_encoding('binary').freeze UTF8_ENCODING = Encoding.find('utf-8') BINARY_ENCODING = Encoding.find('binary') def self.to_utf8_binary(str) str.encode(UTF8_ENCODING).force_encoding(BINARY_ENCODING) end else NULL_BYTE = "\0" def self.to_utf8_binary(str) begin str.unpack("U*") rescue => ex raise InvalidStringEncoding, "String not valid utf-8: #{str.inspect}" end str end end def self.serialize_cstr(buf, val) buf.append!(to_utf8_binary(val.to_s)) buf.append!(NULL_BYTE) end # +endianness+ should be :little_endian or :big_endian. Default is :little_endian def order=(endianness) @order = endianness @int_pack_order = endianness == :little_endian ? 'V' : 'N' @double_pack_order = endianness == :little_endian ? 'E' : 'G' end def rewind @cursor = 0 end def position @cursor end def position=(val) @cursor = val end def clear @str = "" @str.force_encoding('binary') if @str.respond_to?(:force_encoding) rewind end def size @str.size end alias_method :length, :size # Appends a second ByteBuffer object, +buffer+, to the current buffer. def append!(buffer) @str << buffer.to_s self end # Prepends a second ByteBuffer object, +buffer+, to the current buffer. def prepend!(buffer) @str = buffer.to_s + @str self end def put(byte, offset=nil) @cursor = offset if offset if more? @str[@cursor] = chr(byte) else ensure_length(@cursor) @str << chr(byte) end @cursor += 1 end def put_binary(data, offset=nil) @cursor = offset if offset if defined?(BINARY_ENCODING) data = data.dup.force_encoding(BINARY_ENCODING) end if more? @str[@cursor, data.length] = data else ensure_length(@cursor) @str << data end @cursor += data.length end def put_array(array, offset=nil) @cursor = offset if offset if more? @str[@cursor, array.length] = array.pack("C*") else ensure_length(@cursor) @str << array.pack("C*") end @cursor += array.length end def put_int(i, offset=nil) @cursor = offset if offset if more? @str[@cursor, 4] = [i].pack(@int_pack_order) else ensure_length(@cursor) @str << [i].pack(@int_pack_order) end @cursor += 4 end def put_long(i, offset=nil) offset = @cursor unless offset if @int_pack_order == 'N' put_int(i >> 32, offset) put_int(i & 0xffffffff, offset + 4) else put_int(i & 0xffffffff, offset) put_int(i >> 32, offset + 4) end end def put_double(d, offset=nil) a = [] [d].pack(@double_pack_order).each_byte { |b| a << b } put_array(a, offset) end # If +size+ == nil, returns one byte. Else returns array of bytes of length # # +size+. if "x"[0].is_a?(Integer) def get(len=nil) one_byte = len.nil? len ||= 1 check_read_length(len) start = @cursor @cursor += len if one_byte @str[start] else @str[start, len].unpack("C*") end end else def get(len=nil) one_byte = len.nil? len ||= 1 check_read_length(len) start = @cursor @cursor += len if one_byte @str[start, 1].ord else @str[start, len].unpack("C*") end end end def get_int check_read_length(4) vals = @str[@cursor..@cursor+3] @cursor += 4 vals.unpack(@int_pack_order)[0] end def get_long i1 = get_int i2 = get_int if @int_pack_order == 'N' (i1 << 32) + i2 else (i2 << 32) + i1 end end def get_double check_read_length(8) vals = @str[@cursor..@cursor+7] @cursor += 8 vals.unpack(@double_pack_order)[0] end def more? @cursor < @str.size end def to_a @str.unpack("C*") end def unpack(args) to_a end def to_s @str end def dump @str.each_byte do |c, i| $stderr.puts "#{'%04d' % i}: #{'%02x' % c} #{'%03o' % c} #{'%s' % c.chr} #{'%3d' % c}" i += 1 end end private def ensure_length(length) if @str.size < length @str << NULL_BYTE * (length - @str.size) end end def chr(byte) if byte < 0 [byte].pack('c') else byte.chr end end def check_read_length(len) raise "attempt to read past end of buffer" if @cursor + len > @str.length end end end