$:.unshift(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'lib')) require './test/replica_sets/rs_test_helper' # NOTE: This test expects a replica set of three nodes to be running on RS.host, # on ports TEST_PORT, RS.ports[1], and TEST + 2. class ConnectTest < Test::Unit::TestCase include Mongo def setup RS.restart_killed_nodes end def test_connect_bad_name assert_raise_error(ReplicaSetConnectionError, "-wrong") do ReplSetConnection.new([RS.host, RS.ports[0]], [RS.host, RS.ports[1]], [RS.host, RS.ports[2]], :rs_name => RS.name + "-wrong") end end def test_connect @conn = ReplSetConnection.new([RS.host, RS.ports[0]], [RS.host, RS.ports[1]], [RS.host, RS.ports[2]], :name => RS.name) assert @conn.connected? assert_equal RS.primary, @conn.primary assert_equal RS.secondaries, @conn.secondaries assert_equal RS.arbiters, @conn.arbiters end def test_connect_with_primary_node_killed node = RS.kill_primary # Becuase we're killing the primary and trying to connect right away, # this is going to fail right away. assert_raise_error(ConnectionFailure, "Failed to connect to primary node") do @conn = ReplSetConnection.new([RS.host, RS.ports[0]], [RS.host, RS.ports[1]], [RS.host, RS.ports[2]]) end # This allows the secondary to come up as a primary rescue_connection_failure do @conn = ReplSetConnection.new([RS.host, RS.ports[0]], [RS.host, RS.ports[1]], [RS.host, RS.ports[2]]) end assert @conn.connected? end def test_connect_with_secondary_node_killed node = RS.kill_secondary @conn = ReplSetConnection.new([RS.host, RS.ports[0]], [RS.host, RS.ports[1]], [RS.host, RS.ports[2]]) assert @conn.connected? end def test_connect_with_third_node_killed RS.kill(RS.get_node_from_port(RS.ports[2])) @conn = ReplSetConnection.new([RS.host, RS.ports[0]], [RS.host, RS.ports[1]], [RS.host, RS.ports[2]]) assert @conn.connected? end def test_connect_with_primary_stepped_down RS.step_down_primary rescue_connection_failure do @conn = ReplSetConnection.new([RS.host, RS.ports[0]], [RS.host, RS.ports[1]], [RS.host, RS.ports[2]]) end assert @conn.connected? end end