$:.unshift(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'lib')) require 'mongo' require 'test/unit' require 'test/test_helper' # NOTE: this test should be run only if a replica pair is running. class ReplicaPairTest < Test::Unit::TestCase include Mongo def setup @conn = Mongo::Connection.new({:left => ["localhost", 27017], :right => ["localhost", 27018]}, nil) @db = @conn.db('mongo-ruby-test') @db.drop_collection("test-pairs") @coll = @db.collection("test-pairs") end def test_query @coll.save({:a => 20}) @coll.save({:a => 30}) @coll.save({:a => 40}) results = [] @coll.find.each {|r| results << r} [20, 30, 40].each do |a| assert results.any? {|r| r['a'] == a}, "Could not find record for a => #{a}" end puts "Please disconnect the current master." gets results = [] rescue_connection_failure do @coll.find.each {|r| results << r} [20, 30, 40].each do |a| assert results.any? {|r| r['a'] == a}, "Could not find record for a => #{a}" end end end end