# -- # Copyright (C) 2008-2009 10gen Inc. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License # for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # ++ require 'mongo/collection' require 'mongo/message' module XGen module Mongo module Driver # A query against a collection. A query's selector is a hash. See the # Mongo documentation for query details. class Query attr_accessor :number_to_skip, :number_to_return, :order_by # If true, $explain will be set in QueryMessage that uses this query. attr_accessor :explain # Either +nil+ or an array of hint field names. attr_accessor :hint attr_reader :selector # writer defined below # sel :: A hash describing the query. See the Mongo docs for details. # # return_fields :: If not +nil+, a single field name or an array of # field names. Only those fields will be returned. # (Called :fields in calls to Collection#find.) # # number_to_skip :: Number of records to skip before returning # records. (Called :offset in calls to # Collection#find.) Default is 0. # # number_to_return :: Max number of records to return. (Called :limit # in calls to Collection#find.) Default is 0 (all # records). # # order_by :: If not +nil+, specifies record sort order. May be a # String, Hash, OrderedHash, or Array. If a string, the # results will be ordered by that field in ascending # order. If an array, it should be an array of field names # which will all be sorted in ascending order. If a hash, # it may be either a regular Hash or an OrderedHash. The # keys should be field names, and the values should be 1 # (ascending) or -1 (descending). Note that if it is a # regular Hash then sorting by more than one field # probably will not be what you intend because key order # is not preserved. (order_by is called :sort in calls to # Collection#find.) # # hint :: If not +nil+, specifies query hint fields. See # Collection#hint. def initialize(sel={}, return_fields=nil, number_to_skip=0, number_to_return=0, order_by=nil, hint=nil) @number_to_skip, @number_to_return, @order_by, @hint = number_to_skip, number_to_return, order_by, hint self.selector = sel self.fields = return_fields end # Set query selector hash. If sel is a string, it will be used as a # $where clause. (See Mongo docs for details.) def selector=(sel) @selector = case sel when nil {} when String {"$where" => sel} when Hash sel end end # Set fields to return. If +val+ is +nil+ or empty, all fields will be # returned. def fields=(val) @fields = val @fields = nil if @fields && @fields.empty? end def fields case @fields when String {@fields => 1} when Array if @fields.length == 0 nil else h = {} @fields.each { |field| h[field] = 1 } h end else # nil, anything else nil end end def contains_special_fields (@order_by != nil && @order_by.length > 0) || @explain || @hint end end end end end