require File.expand_path("../../test_helper", __FILE__) class ReadTest < Test::Unit::TestCase context "Read mode on standard connection: " do setup do @read_preference = :secondary @con ='localhost', 27017, :read => @read_preference, :connect => false) end end context "Read mode on replica set connection: " do setup do @read_preference = :secondary @con =['localhost:27017'], :read => @read_preference, :connect => false) end should "store read preference on Connection" do assert_equal @read_preference, @con.read_preference end should "propogate to DB" do db = @con['foo'] assert_equal @read_preference, db.read_preference db = @con.db('foo') assert_equal @read_preference, db.read_preference db ='foo', @con) assert_equal @read_preference, db.read_preference end should "allow db override" do db ='foo', @con, :read => :primary) assert_equal :primary, db.read_preference db = @con.db('foo', :read => :primary) assert_equal :primary, db.read_preference end context "on DB: " do setup do @db = @con['foo'] end should "propogate to collection" do col = @db.collection('bar') assert_equal @read_preference, col.read_preference col = @db['bar'] assert_equal @read_preference, col.read_preference col ='bar', @db) assert_equal @read_preference, col.read_preference end should "allow override on collection" do col = @db.collection('bar', :read => :primary) assert_equal :primary, col.read_preference col ='bar', @db, :read => :primary) assert_equal :primary, col.read_preference end end context "on read mode ops" do setup do @col = @con['foo']['bar'] @mock_socket = new_mock_socket end should "use default value on query" do @cursor = @col.find({:a => 1}) sock = new_mock_socket read_pool = stub(:checkin => true) @con.stubs(:read_pool).returns(read_pool) primary_pool = stub(:checkin => true) sock.stubs(:pool).returns(primary_pool) @con.stubs(:primary_pool).returns(primary_pool) @con.expects(:checkout_reader).returns(sock) @con.expects(:receive_message).with do |o, m, l, s, c, r| r == nil end.returns([[], 0, 0]) end should "allow override default value on query" do @cursor = @col.find({:a => 1}, :read => :primary) sock = new_mock_socket primary_pool = stub(:checkin => true) sock.stubs(:pool).returns(primary_pool) @con.stubs(:primary_pool).returns(primary_pool) @con.expects(:checkout_writer).returns(sock) @con.expects(:receive_message).with do |o, m, l, s, c, r| r == nil end.returns([[], 0, 0]) end should "allow override alternate value on query" do # TODO: enable this test once we enable reading from tags. # @con.expects(:receive_message).with do |o, m, l, s, c, r| # tags = {:dc => "ny"} # end.returns([[], 0, 0]) assert_raise MongoArgumentError do @col.find_one({:a => 1}, :read => {:dc => "ny"}) end end end end end