require File.expand_path("../../test_helper", __FILE__) class CursorTest < Test::Unit::TestCase context "Cursor options" do setup do @logger = mock() @logger.stubs(:debug) @connection = stub(:class => Connection, :logger => @logger, :slave_ok? => false, :read_preference => :primary, :log_duration => false) @db = stub(:name => "testing", :slave_ok? => false, :connection => @connection, :read_preference => :primary) @collection = stub(:db => @db, :name => "items", :read_preference => :primary) @cursor = end should "set timeout" do assert @cursor.timeout assert @cursor.query_options_hash[:timeout] end should "set selector" do assert_equal({}, @cursor.selector) @cursor =, :selector => {:name => "Jones"}) assert_equal({:name => "Jones"}, @cursor.selector) assert_equal({:name => "Jones"}, @cursor.query_options_hash[:selector]) end should "set fields" do assert_nil @cursor.fields @cursor =, :fields => [:name, :date]) assert_equal({:name => 1, :date => 1}, @cursor.fields) assert_equal({:name => 1, :date => 1}, @cursor.query_options_hash[:fields]) end should "set mix fields 0 and 1" do assert_nil @cursor.fields @cursor =, :fields => {:name => 1, :date => 0}) assert_equal({:name => 1, :date => 0}, @cursor.fields) assert_equal({:name => 1, :date => 0}, @cursor.query_options_hash[:fields]) end should "set limit" do assert_equal 0, @cursor.limit @cursor =, :limit => 10) assert_equal 10, @cursor.limit assert_equal 10, @cursor.query_options_hash[:limit] end should "set skip" do assert_equal 0, @cursor.skip @cursor =, :skip => 5) assert_equal 5, @cursor.skip assert_equal 5, @cursor.query_options_hash[:skip] end should "set sort order" do assert_nil @cursor.order @cursor =, :order => "last_name") assert_equal "last_name", @cursor.order assert_equal "last_name", @cursor.query_options_hash[:order] end should "set hint" do assert_nil @cursor.hint @cursor =, :hint => "name") assert_equal "name", @cursor.hint assert_equal "name", @cursor.query_options_hash[:hint] end should "cache full collection name" do assert_equal "testing.items", @cursor.full_collection_name end should "raise error when batch_size is 1" do e = assert_raise ArgumentError do @cursor.batch_size(1) end assert_equal "Invalid value for batch_size 1; must be 0 or > 1.", e.message end should "use the limit for batch size when it's smaller than the specified batch_size" do @cursor.limit(99) @cursor.batch_size(100) assert_equal 99, @cursor.batch_size end should "use the specified batch_size" do @cursor.batch_size(100) assert_equal 100, @cursor.batch_size end end context "Query fields" do setup do @logger = mock() @logger.stubs(:debug) @connection = stub(:class => Connection, :logger => @logger, :slave_ok? => false, :log_duration => false) @db = stub(:slave_ok? => true, :name => "testing", :connection => @connection) @collection = stub(:db => @db, :name => "items", :read_preference => :primary) end should "when an array should return a hash with each key" do @cursor =, :fields => [:name, :age]) result = @cursor.fields assert_equal result.keys.sort{|a,b| a.to_s <=> b.to_s}, [:age, :name].sort{|a,b| a.to_s <=> b.to_s} assert result.values.all? {|v| v == 1} end should "when a string, return a hash with just the key" do @cursor =, :fields => "name") result = @cursor.fields assert_equal result.keys.sort, ["name"] assert result.values.all? {|v| v == 1} end should "return nil when neither hash nor string nor symbol" do @cursor =, :fields => 1234567) assert_nil @cursor.fields end end end