$:.unshift(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'lib')) require './test/replica_sets/rs_test_helper' # NOTE: This test expects a replica set of three nodes to be running # on the local host. class ReplicaSetPooledInsertTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup ensure_rs @conn = ReplSetConnection.new(build_seeds(3), :pool_size => 10, :pool_timeout => 5, :refresh_mode => false) @db = @conn.db(MONGO_TEST_DB) @db.drop_collection("test-sets") @coll = @db.collection("test-sets") end def teardown @rs.restart_killed_nodes @conn.close if @conn end def test_insert expected_results = [-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] @coll.save({:a => -1}, :safe => {:w => 2}) @rs.kill_primary threads = [] 10.times do |i| threads[i] = Thread.new do rescue_connection_failure do @coll.save({:a => i}, :safe => {:w => 2}) end end end threads.each {|t| t.join} # Restart the old master and wait for sync @rs.restart_killed_nodes sleep(5) results = [] rescue_connection_failure do @coll.find.each {|r| results << r} expected_results.each do |a| assert results.any? {|r| r['a'] == a}, "Could not find record for a => #{a}" end end @coll.save({:a => 10}, :safe => {:w => 2}) @coll.find.each {|r| results << r} (expected_results + [10]).each do |a| assert results.any? {|r| r['a'] == a}, "Could not find record for a => #{a} on second find" end end end