require File.expand_path("../test_helper", __FILE__) require 'digest/md5' require 'stringio' require 'logger' class TestPKFactory def create_pk(row) row['_id'] ||= row end end class DBTest < Test::Unit::TestCase include Mongo @@conn = standard_connection @@db = @@conn.db(MONGO_TEST_DB) @@users = @@db.collection('system.users') @@version = @@conn.server_version def test_close @@conn.close assert !@@conn.connected? begin @@db.collection('test').insert('a' => 1) fail "expected 'NilClass' exception" rescue => ex assert_match(/NilClass/, ex.to_s) ensure @@db = standard_connection.db(MONGO_TEST_DB) @@users = @@db.collection('system.users') end end def test_create_collection col = @@db.create_collection('foo') assert_equal @@db['foo'].name, col = @@db.create_collection(:foo) assert_equal @@db['foo'].name, @@db.drop_collection('foo') end def test_get_and_drop_collection db = @@conn.db(MONGO_TEST_DB, :strict => true) db.create_collection('foo') assert db.collection('foo') assert db.drop_collection('foo') db.create_collection(:foo) assert db.collection(:foo) assert db.drop_collection(:foo) end def test_logger output = logger = logger.level = Logger::DEBUG conn = standard_connection(:logger => logger) assert_equal logger, conn.logger conn.logger.debug 'testing' assert output.string.include?('testing') end def test_full_coll_name coll = @@db.collection('test') assert_equal "#{MONGO_TEST_DB}.test", @@db.full_collection_name( end def test_collection_names @@db.collection("test").insert("foo" => 5) @@db.collection("test.mike").insert("bar" => 0) colls = @@db.collection_names() assert colls.include?("test") assert colls.include?("test.mike") colls.each { |name| assert !name.include?("$") } end def test_collections @@db.collection("test.durran").insert("foo" => 5) @@db.collection("test.les").insert("bar" => 0) colls = @@db.collections() assert_not_nil { |coll| == "test.durran" } assert_not_nil { |coll| == "test.les" } assert_equal [], { |coll| == "does_not_exist" } assert_kind_of Collection, colls[0] end def test_pk_factory db = standard_connection.db(MONGO_TEST_DB, :pk => coll = db.collection('test') coll.remove insert_id = coll.insert('name' => 'Fred', 'age' => 42) # new id gets added to returned object row = coll.find_one({'name' => 'Fred'}) oid = row['_id'] assert_not_nil oid assert_equal insert_id, oid oid = data = {'_id' => oid, 'name' => 'Barney', 'age' => 41} coll.insert(data) row = coll.find_one({'name' => data['name']}) db_oid = row['_id'] assert_equal oid, db_oid assert_equal data, row coll.remove end def test_pk_factory_reset conn = standard_connection db = conn.db(MONGO_TEST_DB) db.pk_factory = # first time begin db.pk_factory = fail "error: expected exception" rescue => ex assert_match(/Cannot change/, ex.to_s) ensure conn.close end end def test_authenticate @@db.add_user('spongebob', 'squarepants') assert_raise Mongo::AuthenticationError do assert !@@db.authenticate('nobody', 'nopassword') end assert_raise Mongo::AuthenticationError do assert !@@db.authenticate('spongebob' , 'squareliederhosen') end assert @@db.authenticate('spongebob', 'squarepants') @@db.logout @@db.remove_user('spongebob') end def test_authenticate_with_special_characters assert @@db.add_user('foo:bar', '@foo') assert @@db.authenticate('foo:bar', '@foo') @@db.logout @@db.remove_user('foo:bar') end def test_authenticate_read_only @@db.add_user('joebob', 'user', true) # read-only user assert @@db.authenticate('joebob', 'user') @@db.logout @@db.remove_user('joebob') end def test_authenticate_with_connection_uri @@db.add_user('spongebob', 'squarepants') assert Mongo::Connection.from_uri("mongodb://spongebob:squarepants@#{host_port}/#{}") assert_raise Mongo::AuthenticationError do con = Mongo::Connection.from_uri("mongodb://wrong:info@#{host_port}/#{}") con['test']['foo'].find_one end end def test_logout assert @@db.logout end def test_command assert_raise OperationFailure do @@db.command({:non_command => 1}, :check_response => true) end result = @@db.command({:non_command => 1}, :check_response => false) assert !Mongo::Support.ok?(result) end def test_error @@db.reset_error_history assert_nil @@db.get_last_error['err'] assert !@@db.error? assert_nil @@db.previous_error @@db.command({:forceerror => 1}, :check_response => false) assert @@db.error? assert_not_nil @@db.get_last_error['err'] assert_not_nil @@db.previous_error @@db.command({:forceerror => 1}, :check_response => false) assert @@db.error? assert @@db.get_last_error['err'] prev_error = @@db.previous_error assert_equal 1, prev_error['nPrev'] assert_equal prev_error["err"], @@db.get_last_error['err'] @@db.collection('test').find_one assert_nil @@db.get_last_error['err'] assert !@@db.error? assert @@db.previous_error assert_equal 2, @@db.previous_error['nPrev'] @@db.reset_error_history assert_nil @@db.get_last_error['err'] assert !@@db.error? assert_nil @@db.previous_error end def test_check_command_response command = {:forceerror => 1} raised = false begin @@db.command(command) rescue => ex raised = true assert ex.message.include?("forced error"), "error message does not contain 'forced error'" assert_equal 10038, ex.error_code assert_equal 10038, ex.result['assertionCode'] ensure assert raised, "No assertion raised!" end end def test_last_status @@db['test'].remove @@db['test'].save("i" => 1) @@db['test'].update({"i" => 1}, {"$set" => {"i" => 2}}) assert @@db.get_last_error()["updatedExisting"] @@db['test'].update({"i" => 1}, {"$set" => {"i" => 500}}) assert !@@db.get_last_error()["updatedExisting"] end def test_text_port_number_raises_no_errors conn = standard_connection db = conn[MONGO_TEST_DB] db.collection('users').remove end def test_user_management @@db.add_user("bob", "secret") assert @@db.authenticate("bob", "secret") @@db.logout assert @@db.remove_user("bob") assert_raise Mongo::AuthenticationError do @@db.authenticate("bob", "secret") end end def test_remove_non_existant_user assert !@@db.remove_user("joe") end def test_stored_function_management @@db.add_stored_function("sum", "function (x, y) { return x + y; }") assert_equal @@db.eval("return sum(2,3);"), 5 assert @@db.remove_stored_function("sum") assert_raise OperationFailure do @@db.eval("return sum(2,3);") end end def test_eval @@db.eval("{_id:'hello', value: function() { print('hello'); } })") assert_equal 'hello', @@db['system'].find_one['_id'] end if @@version >= "1.3.5" def test_db_stats stats = @@db.stats assert stats.has_key?('collections') assert stats.has_key?('dataSize') end end context "database profiling" do setup do @db = @@conn[MONGO_TEST_DB] @coll = @db['test'] @coll.remove @r1 = @coll.insert('a' => 1) # collection not created until it's used end should "set default profiling level" do assert_equal :off, @db.profiling_level end should "change profiling level" do @db.profiling_level = :slow_only assert_equal :slow_only, @db.profiling_level @db.profiling_level = :off assert_equal :off, @db.profiling_level @db.profiling_level = :all assert_equal :all, @db.profiling_level begin @db.profiling_level = :medium fail "shouldn't be able to do this" rescue end end should "return profiling info" do @db.profiling_level = :all @coll.find() @db.profiling_level = :off info = @db.profiling_info assert_kind_of Array, info assert info.length >= 1 first = info.first assert_kind_of Time, first['ts'] assert_kind_of Numeric, first['millis'] end should "validate collection" do doc = @db.validate_collection( if @@version >= "1.9.1" assert doc['valid'] else assert doc['result'] end end end end