# encoding: UTF-8 # -- # Copyright (C) 2008-2011 10gen Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ++ # A hash in which the order of keys are preserved. # # Under Ruby 1.9 and greater, this class has no added methods because Ruby's # Hash already keeps its keys ordered by order of insertion. module BSON class OrderedHash < Hash def ==(other) begin case other when BSON::OrderedHash keys == other.keys && values == other.values else super end rescue false end end # We only need the body of this class if the RUBY_VERSION is before 1.9 if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9' attr_accessor :ordered_keys def self.[] *args oh = BSON::OrderedHash.new if Hash === args[0] oh.merge! args[0] elsif (args.size % 2) != 0 raise ArgumentError, "odd number of elements for Hash" else 0.step(args.size - 1, 2) do |key| value = key + 1 oh[args[key]] = args[value] end end oh end def initialize(*a, &b) @ordered_keys = [] super end def yaml_initialize(tag, val) @ordered_keys = [] super end def keys @ordered_keys.dup end def []=(key, value) unless has_key?(key) @ordered_keys << key end super(key, value) end def each @ordered_keys.each { |k| yield k, self[k] } self end alias :each_pair :each def to_a @ordered_keys.map { |k| [k, self[k]] } end def values collect { |k, v| v } end def replace(other) @ordered_keys.replace(other.keys) super end def merge(other) oh = self.dup oh.merge!(other) oh end def merge!(other) @ordered_keys += other.keys # unordered if not an BSON::OrderedHash @ordered_keys.uniq! super(other) end alias :update :merge! def dup result = OrderedHash.new @ordered_keys.each do |key| result[key] = self[key] end result end def inspect str = "##{self.[](k).inspect}" }.join(", ") str << '}>' end def delete(key, &block) @ordered_keys.delete(key) if @ordered_keys super end def delete_if(&block) keys.each do |key| if yield key, self[key] delete(key) end end self end def reject(&block) clone = self.clone return clone unless block_given? clone.delete_if(&block) end def reject!(&block) changed = false self.each do |k,v| if yield k, v changed = true delete(k) end end changed ? self : nil end def clear super @ordered_keys = [] end if RUBY_VERSION =~ /1.8.6/ def hash code = 17 each_pair do |key, value| code = 37 * code + key.hash code = 37 * code + value.hash end code & 0x7fffffff end def eql?(o) if o.instance_of? BSON::OrderedHash self.hash == o.hash else false end end end def clone Marshal::load(Marshal.dump(self)) end end end end