module Guard class Watcher attr_accessor :pattern, :action def initialize(pattern, action = nil) @pattern, @action = pattern, action @@warning_printed ||= false # deprecation warning if @pattern.is_a?(String) && @pattern =~ /(^(\^))|(>?(\\\.)|(\.\*))|(\(.*\))|(\[.*\])|(\$$)/ unless @@warning_printed "*"*20 + "\nDEPRECATION WARNING!\n" + "*"*20 "You have strings in your Guardfile's watch patterns that seem to represent regexps.\nGuard matchs String with == and Regexp with Regexp#match.\nYou should either use plain String (without Regexp special characters) or real Regexp.\n" @@warning_printed = true end "\"#{@pattern}\" has been converted to #{}\n" @pattern = end end def self.match_files(guard, files) guard.watchers.inject([]) do |paths, watcher| files.each do |file| if matches = watcher.match_file?(file) if watcher.action result = watcher.call_action(matches) paths << Array(result) if result.respond_to?(:empty?) && !result.empty? else paths << matches[0] end end end { |p| p.to_s } end end def self.match_files?(guards, files) guards.any? do |guard| guard.watchers.any? do |watcher| files.any? { |file| watcher.match_file?(file) } end end end def match_file?(file) if @pattern.is_a?(Regexp) file.match(@pattern) else file == @pattern ? [file] : nil end end def call_action(matches) begin @action.arity > 0 ? : rescue Exception => e UI.error "Problem with watch action!\n#{e.message}\n\n#{e.backtrace}" end end end end