require 'spec_helper' describe Guard do describe "Class Methods" do describe ".setup" do subject { ::Guard.setup } it "should retrieve itself for chaining" do subject.should be_kind_of(Module) end it "should init guards array" do ::Guard.guards.should be_kind_of(Array) end it "should init options" do opts = { :my_opts => true } ::Guard.setup(opts).options.should include(:my_opts) end it "should init listener" do ::Guard.listener.should be_kind_of(Guard::Listener) end it "should turn off notifier if notify option is false" do ::Guard::Notifier.should_receive(:turn_off) ::Guard.setup(:notify => false) end end describe ".get_guard_class" do it "should return Guard::RSpec" do Guard.get_guard_class('rspec').should == Guard::RSpec end context 'loaded some nested classes' do it "should return Guard::RSpec" do require 'guard/rspec' Guard::RSpec.class_eval('class NotGuardClass; end') Guard.get_guard_class('rspec').should == Guard::RSpec end end end describe ".locate_guard" do it "should return guard-rspec gem path" do guard_path = Guard.locate_guard('rspec') guard_path.should match(/^.*\/guard-rspec-.*$/) guard_path.should == guard_path.chomp end end describe ".supervised_task" do subject { ::Guard.setup } before(:each) do @g = mock(Guard::Guard).as_null_object subject.guards.push(@g) end describe "tasks that succeed" do before(:each) do @g.stub!(:regular) { true } @g.stub!(:regular_with_arg).with("given_path") { "i'm a success" } end it "should not fire the guard with a supervised method without argument" do lambda { subject.supervised_task(@g, :regular) }.should_not change(subject.guards, :size) end it "should not fire the guard with a supervised method with argument" do lambda { subject.supervised_task(@g, :regular_with_arg, "given_path") }.should_not change(subject.guards, :size) end it "should return the result of the supervised method" do ::Guard.supervised_task(@g, :regular).should be_true ::Guard.supervised_task(@g, :regular_with_arg, "given_path").should == "i'm a success" end it "calls the default hooks" do @g.should_receive(:hook).with("regular_begin") @g.should_receive(:hook).with("regular_end") ::Guard.supervised_task(@g, :regular) end end describe "tasks that raise an exception" do before(:each) { @g.stub!(:failing) { raise "I break your system" } } it "should fire the guard" do lambda { subject.supervised_task(@g, :failing) }.should change(subject.guards, :size).by(-1) subject.guards.should_not include(@g) end it "should return the exception object" do failing_result = ::Guard.supervised_task(@g, :failing) failing_result.should be_kind_of(Exception) failing_result.message.should == 'I break your system' end it "calls the default begin hook but not the default end hook" do @g.should_receive(:hook).with("failing_begin") @g.should_not_receive(:hook).with("failing_end") ::Guard.supervised_task(@g, :failing) end end end end end