# API The application provides a REST API that can be used by 3rd party applications to manage bookmarks. ## Authentication All requests against the API must be authorized using an authorization token. The application automatically generates an API token for each user, which can be accessed through the *Settings* page. The token needs to be passed as `Authorization` header in the HTTP request: ``` Authorization: Token ``` ## Resources The following resources are available: ### Bookmarks **List** ``` GET /api/bookmarks/ ``` List bookmarks. Parameters: - `q` - Filters results using a search phrase using the same logic as through the UI - `limit` - Limits the max. number of results. Default is `100`. - `offset` - Index from which to start returning results Example response: ```json { "count": 123, "next": "", "previous": null, "results": [ { "id": 1, "url": "https://example.com", "title": "Example title", "description": "Example description", "website_title": "Website title", "website_description": "Website description", "tag_names": [ "tag1", "tag2" ], "date_added": "2020-09-26T09:46:23.006313Z", "date_modified": "2020-09-26T16:01:14.275335Z" }, ... ] } ``` **Retrieve** ``` GET /api/bookmarks// ``` Retrieves a single bookmark by ID. **Create** ``` POST /api/bookmarks/ ``` Creates a new bookmark. Tags are simply assigned using their names. Example payload: ```json { "url": "https://example.com", "title": "Example title", "description": "Example description", "tag_names": [ "tag1", "tag2" ] } ``` **Update** ``` PUT /api/bookmarks// ``` Updates a bookmark. Tags are simply assigned using their names. Example payload: ```json { "url": "https://example.com", "title": "Example title", "description": "Example description", "tag_names": [ "tag1", "tag2" ] } ``` **Delete** ``` DELETE /api/bookmarks// ``` Deletes a bookmark by ID. ### Tags **List** ``` GET /api/tags/ ``` List tags. Parameters: - `limit` - Limits the max. number of results. Default is `100`. - `offset` - Index from which to start returning results Example response: ```json { "count": 123, "next": "", "previous": null, "results": [ { "id": 1, "name": "example", "date_added": "2020-09-26T09:46:23.006313Z" }, ... ] } ``` **Retrieve** ``` GET /api/tags// ``` Retrieves a single tag by ID. **Create** ``` POST /api/tags/ ``` Creates a new tag. Example payload: ```json { "name": "example" } ```