import logging from dataclasses import dataclass from datetime import datetime import bs4 from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from django.contrib.auth.models import User from bookmarks.models import Bookmark, parse_tag_string from import get_or_create_tags logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) @dataclass class ImportResult: total: int = 0 success: int = 0 failed: int = 0 def import_netscape_html(html: str, user: User): result = ImportResult() try: soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser') except: logging.exception('Could not read bookmarks file.') raise bookmark_tags = soup.find_all('dt') for bookmark_tag in bookmark_tags: = + 1 try: _import_bookmark_tag(bookmark_tag, user) result.success = result.success + 1 except: shortened_bookmark_tag_str = str(bookmark_tag)[:100] + '...' logging.exception('Error importing bookmark: ' + shortened_bookmark_tag_str) result.failed = result.failed + 1 return result def _import_bookmark_tag(bookmark_tag: bs4.Tag, user: User): link_tag = bookmark_tag.a if link_tag is None: return # Either modify existing bookmark for the URL or create new one url = link_tag['href'] description = _extract_description(bookmark_tag) bookmark = _get_or_create_bookmark(url, user) bookmark.url = url add_date = link_tag.get('add_date', bookmark.date_added = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(int(add_date)).astimezone() bookmark.date_modified = bookmark.date_added bookmark.unread = link_tag.get('toread', '0') == '1' bookmark.title = link_tag.string if description: bookmark.description = description bookmark.owner = user # Set tags tag_string = link_tag.get('tags', '') tag_names = parse_tag_string(tag_string) tags = get_or_create_tags(tag_names, user) bookmark.tags.set(tags) def _get_or_create_bookmark(url: str, user: User): try: return Bookmark.objects.get(url=url, owner=user) except Bookmark.DoesNotExist: return Bookmark() def _extract_description(bookmark_tag: bs4.Tag): """ Since the Netscape HTML format has no closing tags, all following bookmark tags are part of the description tag so to extract the description text we have to get creative. For now we combine the text of all text nodes until we detect a
tag which indicates a new bookmark :param bookmark_tag: :return: """ description_tag = bookmark_tag.find('dd', recursive=False) if description_tag is None: return None description = '' for content in description_tag.contents: if type(content) is bs4.element.Tag and == 'dt': break if type(content) is bs4.element.NavigableString: description += content return description.strip()