// Bootstrap Test Reporter function var reporter = function () { var total = 0; var passes = 0; var fails = 0; var that = { test: function (result, message) { total++; if (result) { passes++; iconElement = $('icons'); iconElement.appendChild(new Element('img', {src: '../images/accept.png'})); } else { fails++; var fails_report = $('fails'); fails_report.show(); iconElement = $('icons'); iconElement.appendChild(new Element('img', {src: '../images/exclamation.png'})); var failMessages = $('fail_messages'); var newFail = new Element('p', {'class': 'fail'}); newFail.innerHTML = message; failMessages.appendChild(newFail); } }, summary: function () { summary = new Element('p', {'class': ((fails > 0) ? 'fail_in_summary' : '') }); summary.innerHTML = total + ' tests, ' + passes + ' passing, ' + fails + ' failed.'; var summaryElement = $('results_summary'); summaryElement.appendChild(summary); summaryElement.show(); } } return that; }(); var testMatchersComparisons = function () { var expected = new Matchers(true); reporter.test(expected.should_equal(true), 'expects_that(true).should_equal(true) returned false'); expected = new Matchers(false); reporter.test(!(expected.should_equal(true)), 'expects_that(true).should_equal(true) returned true'); expected = new Matchers(true); reporter.test(expected.should_not_equal(false), 'expects_that(true).should_not_equal(false) retruned false'); expected = new Matchers(true); reporter.test(!(expected.should_not_equal(true)), 'expects_that(true).should_not_equal(false) retruned true'); } var testMatchersReporting = function () { var results = []; var expected = new Matchers(true, results); expected.should_equal(true); expected.should_equal(false); reporter.test((results.length == 2), "Results array doesn't have 2 results"); reporter.test((results[0].passed == true), "First spec didn't pass"); reporter.test((results[1].passed == false), "Second spec did pass"); results = []; var expected = new Matchers(false, results); expected.should_equal(true); reporter.test((results[0].message == 'Expected true but got false.'), "Failed expectation didn't test the failure message"); results = []; var expected = new Matchers(true, results); expected.should_equal(true); reporter.test((results[0].message == 'Passed.'), "Passing expectation didn't test the passing message"); } var testSpecs = function () { var spec = it('new spec'); reporter.test((spec.description == 'new spec'), "Spec did not have a description"); var another_spec = it('spec with an expectation').runs(function () { var foo = 'bar'; this.expects_that(foo).should_equal('bar'); }); another_spec.execute(); another_spec.done = true; reporter.test((another_spec.results.length == 1), "Results aren't there after a spec was executed"); reporter.test((another_spec.results[0].passed == true), "Results has a result, but it's true"); var yet_another_spec = it('spec with failing expectation').runs(function () { var foo = 'bar'; this.expects_that(foo).should_equal('baz'); }); yet_another_spec.execute(); yet_another_spec.done = true; reporter.test((yet_another_spec.results[0].passed == false), "Expectation that failed, passed"); var yet_yet_another_spec = it('spec with multiple assertions').runs(function () { var foo = 'bar'; var baz = 'quux'; this.expects_that(foo).should_equal('bar'); this.expects_that(baz).should_equal('quux'); }); yet_yet_another_spec.execute(); yet_yet_another_spec.done = true; reporter.test((yet_yet_another_spec.results.length == 2), "Spec doesn't support multiple expectations"); } var testAsyncSpecs = function () { var foo = 0; var a_spec = it('simple queue test'). runs(function () { foo++; }).then(function() { this.expects_that(foo).should_equal(1) }); reporter.test(a_spec.queue.length === 2, 'Spec queue length is not 2'); foo = 0; a_spec = it('spec w/ queued statments'). runs(function () { foo++; }).then(function() { this.expects_that(foo).should_equal(1); }); a_spec.execute(); reporter.test((a_spec.results.length === 1), 'No call to waits(): Spec queue did not run all functions'); reporter.test((a_spec.results[0].passed === true), 'No call to waits(): Queued expectation failed'); foo = 0; a_spec = it('spec w/ queued statments'). runs(function () { setTimeout(function() { foo++ }, 500); }).waits(1000). then(function() { this.expects_that(foo).should_equal(1); }); var mockSuite = { next: function() { reporter.test((a_spec.results.length === 1), 'Calling waits(): Spec queue did not run all functions'); reporter.test((a_spec.results[0].passed === true), 'Calling waits(): Queued expectation failed'); } }; a_spec.execute(); waitForDone(a_spec, mockSuite); var bar = 0; var another_spec = it('spec w/ queued statments'). runs(function () { setTimeout(function() { bar++; }, 250); }). waits(500). then(function () { setTimeout(function() { bar++; }, 250); }). waits(1500). then(function() { this.expects_that(bar).should_equal(2); }); mockSuite = { next: function() { reporter.test((another_spec.queue.length === 3), 'Calling 2 waits(): Spec queue was less than expected length'); reporter.test((another_spec.results.length === 1), 'Calling 2 waits(): Spec queue did not run all functions'); reporter.test((another_spec.results[0].passed === true), 'Calling 2 waits(): Queued expectation failed'); } }; another_spec.execute(); waitForDone(another_spec, mockSuite); var baz = 0; var yet_another_spec = it('spec w/ async fail'). runs(function () { setTimeout(function() { baz++; }, 250); }). waits(100). then(function() { this.expects_that(baz).should_equal(1); }); mockSuite = { next: function() { reporter.test((yet_another_spec.queue.length === 2), 'Calling 2 waits(): Spec queue was less than expected length'); reporter.test((yet_another_spec.results.length === 1), 'Calling 2 waits(): Spec queue did not run all functions'); reporter.test((yet_another_spec.results[0].passed === false), 'Calling 2 waits(): Queued expectation failed'); } }; yet_another_spec.execute(); waitForDone(yet_another_spec, mockSuite); } var testAsyncSpecsWithMockSuite = function () { var bar = 0; var another_spec = it('spec w/ queued statments'). runs(function () { setTimeout(function() { bar++; }, 250); }). waits(500). then(function () { setTimeout(function() { bar++; }, 250); }). waits(1500). then(function() { this.expects_that(bar).should_equal(2); }); var mockSuite = { next: function () { reporter.test((another_spec.queue.length === 3), 'Calling 2 waits(): Spec queue was less than expected length'); reporter.test((another_spec.results.length === 1), 'Calling 2 waits(): Spec queue did not run all functions'); reporter.test((another_spec.results[0].passed === true), 'Calling 2 waits(): Queued expectation failed'); } }; another_spec.execute(); waitForDone(another_spec, mockSuite); } var waitForDone = function(spec, mockSuite) { var id = setInterval(function () { if (spec.finished) { clearInterval(id); mockSuite.next(); } }, 150); } var testSuites = function () { // suite has a description var suite = describe('one suite description', function() { }); reporter.test((suite.description == 'one suite description'), 'Suite did not get a description'); // suite can have a test suite = describe('one suite description', function () { it('should be a test'); }); reporter.test((suite.specs.length === 1), 'Suite did not get a spec pushed'); reporter.test((suite.specs[0].queue.length === 0), "Suite's Spec should not have queuedFunctions"); suite = describe('one suite description', function () { it('should be a test with queuedFunctions', function() { runs(function() { var foo = 0; foo++; }); }); }); reporter.test((suite.specs[0].queue.length === 1), "Suite's spec did not get a function pushed"); suite = describe('one suite description', function () { it('should be a test with queuedFunctions', function() { runs(function() { var foo = 0; foo++; }); waits(100); runs(function() { var bar = 0; bar++; }); }); }); reporter.test((suite.specs[0].queue.length === 2), "Suite's spec did not get 2 functions pushed"); var foo = 0; suite = describe('one suite description', function () { it('should be a test with queuedFunctions', function() { runs(function() { foo++; }); }); it('should be a another spec with queuedFunctions', function() { runs(function() { foo++; }); }); }); suite.execute(); setTimeout(function () { reporter.test((suite.specs.length === 2), "Suite doesn't have two specs"); reporter.test((foo === 2), "Suite didn't execute both specs"); }, 500); } var testSpecScope = function () { suite = describe('one suite description', function () { it('should be a test with queuedFunctions', function() { runs(function() { this.foo = 0; this.foo++; }); runs(function() { var that = this; setTimeout(function() { that.foo++; }, 250); }); runs(function() { this.expects_that(this.foo).should_equal(2); }); waits(300); runs(function() { this.expects_that(this.foo).should_equal(2); }); }); }); suite.execute(); setTimeout(function () { reporter.test((suite.specs[0].foo === 2), "Spec does not maintain scope in between functions"); reporter.test((suite.specs[0].results.length === 2), "Spec did not get results for all expectations"); reporter.test((suite.specs[0].results[0].passed === false), "Spec did not return false for a failed expectation"); reporter.test((suite.specs[0].results[1].passed === true), "Spec did not return true for a passing expectation"); }, 1000); } var runTests = function () { $('spinner').show(); testMatchersComparisons(); testMatchersReporting(); testSpecs(); testAsyncSpecs(); testAsyncSpecsWithMockSuite(); testSuites(); testSpecScope(); setTimeout(function() { $('spinner').hide(); reporter.summary(); }, 10000); }