/* * JasmineReporters.JSON -- * Basic reporter that keeps a JSON string of the most recent Spec, Suite or Runner * result. Calling application can then do whatever it wants/needs with the string; */ Jasmine.Reporters.JSON = function () { var toJSON = function(object){ return JSON.stringify(object); }; var that = Jasmine.Reporters.reporter(); that.specJSON = ''; that.suiteJSON = ''; that.runnerJSON = ''; var saveSpecResults = function (results) { that.specJSON = toJSON(results); }; that.reportSpecResults = saveSpecResults; var saveSuiteResults = function (results) { that.suiteJSON = toJSON(results); }; that.reportSuiteResults = saveSuiteResults; var saveRunnerResults = function (results) { that.runnerJSON = toJSON(results); }; that.reportRunnerResults = saveRunnerResults; that.toJSON = toJSON; return that; }; Jasmine.Reporters.domWriter = function (elementId) { var that = { element: document.getElementById(elementId), write: function (text) { if (that.element) { that.element.innerHTML += text; } } }; that.element.innerHTML = ''; return that; }; Jasmine.Reporters.JSONtoDOM = function (elementId) { var that = Jasmine.Reporters.JSON(); that.domWriter = Jasmine.Reporters.domWriter(elementId); var writeRunnerResults = function (results) { that.domWriter.write(that.toJSON(results)); }; that.reportRunnerResults = writeRunnerResults; return that; };