describe("jasmine spec running", function () { var env; var fakeTimer; beforeEach(function() { env = new jasmine.Env(); fakeTimer = new jasmine.FakeTimer(); env.setTimeout = fakeTimer.setTimeout; env.clearTimeout = fakeTimer.clearTimeout; env.setInterval = fakeTimer.setInterval; env.clearInterval = fakeTimer.clearInterval; }); it('should assign spec ids sequentially', function() { var it0, it1, it2, it3, it4; env.describe('test suite', function() { it0 ='spec 0', function() { }); it1 ='spec 1', function() { }); it2 = env.xit('spec 2', function() { }); it3 ='spec 3', function() { }); }); env.describe('test suite 2', function() { it4 ='spec 4', function() { }); }); expect(; expect(; expect(; expect(; expect(; }); it("should build up some objects with results we can inspect", function() { var specWithNoBody, specWithExpectation, specWithFailingExpectations, specWithMultipleExpectations; var suite = env.describe('default current suite', function() { specWithNoBody ='new spec'); specWithExpectation ='spec with an expectation').runs(function () { var foo = 'bar'; this.expect(foo).toEqual('bar'); }); specWithFailingExpectations ='spec with failing expectation').runs(function () { var foo = 'bar'; this.expect(foo).toEqual('baz'); }); specWithMultipleExpectations ='spec with multiple assertions').runs(function () { var foo = 'bar'; var baz = 'quux'; this.expect(foo).toEqual('bar'); this.expect(baz).toEqual('quux'); }); }); suite.execute(); expect(specWithNoBody.description).toEqual('new spec'); expect(specWithExpectation.results.getItems().length).toEqual(1); // "Results aren't there after a spec was executed" expect(specWithExpectation.results.getItems()[0].passed).toEqual(true); // "Results has a result, but it's true" expect(specWithExpectation.results.description).toEqual('spec with an expectation'); // "Spec's results did not get the spec's description" expect(specWithFailingExpectations.results.getItems()[0].passed).toEqual(false); // "Expectation that failed, passed" expect(specWithMultipleExpectations.results.getItems().length).toEqual(2); // "Spec doesn't support multiple expectations" }); it("should work without a runs block", function() { var another_spec; var currentSuite = env.describe('default current suite', function() { another_spec ='spec with an expectation', function () { var foo = 'bar'; this.expect(foo).toEqual('bar'); this.expect(foo).toEqual('baz'); }); }); another_spec.execute(); another_spec.done = true; expect(another_spec.results.getItems().length).toEqual(2); expect(another_spec.results.getItems()[0].passed).toEqual(true); // "In a spec without a run block, expected first expectation result to be true but was false" expect(another_spec.results.getItems()[1].passed).toEqual(false); // "In a spec without a run block, expected second expectation result to be false but was true"; expect(another_spec.results.description).toEqual('spec with an expectation'); // "In a spec without a run block, results did not include the spec's description"; }); it("should run asynchronous tests", function () { var foo = 0; //set a bogus suite for the spec to attach to // jasmine.getEnv().currentSuite = {specs: []}; var a_spec; env.describe('test async spec', function() { a_spec ='simple queue test', function () { this.runs(function () { foo++; }); this.runs(function () { this.expect(foo).toEqual(1); }); }); }); expect(a_spec.queue.length).toEqual(1, 'Expected spec queue length to be 1, was ' + a_spec.queue.length); a_spec.execute(); expect(a_spec.queue.length).toEqual(3, 'Expected spec queue length to be 3, was ' + a_spec.queue.length); foo = 0; env.describe('test async spec', function() { a_spec ='spec w/ queued statments', function () { this.runs(function () { foo++; }); this.runs(function () { this.expect(foo).toEqual(1); }); }); }); a_spec.execute(); expect(a_spec.results.getItems().length).toEqual(1); // 'No call to waits(): Spec queue did not run all functions'; expect(a_spec.results.getItems()[0].passed).toEqual(true); // 'No call to waits(): Queued expectation failed'; foo = 0; env.describe('test async spec', function() { a_spec ='spec w/ queued statments', function () { this.runs(function () { fakeTimer.setTimeout(function() { foo++; }, 500); }); this.waits(1000); this.runs(function() { this.expect(foo).toEqual(1); }); }); }); a_spec.execute(); expect(a_spec.results.getItems().length).toEqual(0); fakeTimer.tick(500); expect(a_spec.results.getItems().length).toEqual(0); fakeTimer.tick(500); expect(a_spec.results.getItems().length).toEqual(1); // 'Calling waits(): Spec queue did not run all functions'; expect(a_spec.results.getItems()[0].passed).toEqual(true); // 'Calling waits(): Queued expectation failed'; var bar = 0; var another_spec; env.describe('test async spec', function() { another_spec ='spec w/ queued statments', function () { this.runs(function () { fakeTimer.setTimeout(function() { bar++; }, 250); }); this.waits(500); this.runs(function () { fakeTimer.setTimeout(function() { bar++; }, 250); }); this.waits(500); this.runs(function () { this.expect(bar).toEqual(2); }); }); }); expect(another_spec.queue.length).toEqual(1); // 'Calling 2 waits(): Expected queue length to be 1, got ' + another_spec.queue.length; another_spec.execute(); fakeTimer.tick(1000); expect(another_spec.queue.length).toEqual(4); // 'Calling 2 waits(): Expected queue length to be 4, got ' + another_spec.queue.length; expect(another_spec.results.getItems().length).toEqual(1); // 'Calling 2 waits(): Spec queue did not run all functions'; expect(another_spec.results.getItems()[0].passed).toEqual(true); // 'Calling 2 waits(): Queued expectation failed'; var baz = 0; var yet_another_spec; env.describe('test async spec', function() { yet_another_spec ='spec w/ async fail', function () { this.runs(function () { fakeTimer.setTimeout(function() { baz++; }, 250); }); this.waits(100); this.runs(function() { this.expect(baz).toEqual(1); }); }); }); yet_another_spec.execute(); fakeTimer.tick(250); expect(yet_another_spec.queue.length).toEqual(3); // 'Calling 2 waits(): Expected queue length to be 3, got ' + another_spec.queue.length); expect(yet_another_spec.results.getItems().length).toEqual(1); // 'Calling 2 waits(): Spec queue did not run all functions'); expect(yet_another_spec.results.getItems()[0].passed).toEqual(false); // 'Calling 2 waits(): Queued expectation failed'); }); it("testAsyncSpecsWithMockSuite", function () { var bar = 0; var another_spec; env.describe('test async spec', function() { another_spec ='spec w/ queued statments', function () { this.runs(function () { fakeTimer.setTimeout(function() { bar++; }, 250); }); this.waits(500); this.runs(function () { fakeTimer.setTimeout(function() { bar++; }, 250); }); this.waits(1500); this.runs(function() { this.expect(bar).toEqual(2); }); }); }); another_spec.execute(); fakeTimer.tick(2000); expect(another_spec.queue.length).toEqual(4); // 'Calling 2 waits(): Expected queue length to be 4, got ' + another_spec.queue.length); expect(another_spec.results.getItems().length).toEqual(1); // 'Calling 2 waits(): Spec queue did not run all functions'); expect(another_spec.results.getItems()[0].passed).toEqual(true); // 'Calling 2 waits(): Queued expectation failed'); }); it("testWaitsFor", function() { var doneWaiting = false; var runsBlockExecuted = false; var spec; env.describe('foo', function() { spec ='has a waits for', function() { this.runs(function() { }); this.waitsFor(500, function() { return doneWaiting; }); this.runs(function() { runsBlockExecuted = true; }); }); }); spec.execute(); expect(runsBlockExecuted).toEqual(false); //, 'should not have executed runs block yet'); fakeTimer.tick(100); doneWaiting = true; fakeTimer.tick(100); expect(runsBlockExecuted).toEqual(true); //, 'should have executed runs block'); }); it("testWaitsForFailsWithMessage", function() { var spec; env.describe('foo', function() { spec ='has a waits for', function() { this.runs(function() { }); this.waitsFor(500, function() { return false; // force a timeout }, 'my awesome condition'); this.runs(function() { }); }); }); spec.execute(); fakeTimer.tick(1000); var actual = spec.results.getItems()[0].message; var expected = 'timeout: timed out after 500 msec waiting for my awesome condition'; expect(actual).toEqual(expected); }); it("testWaitsForFailsIfTimeout", function() { var runsBlockExecuted = false; var spec; env.describe('foo', function() { spec ='has a waits for', function() { this.runs(function() { }); this.waitsFor(500, function() { return false; // force a timeout }); this.runs(function() { runsBlockExecuted = true; }); }); }); spec.execute(); expect(runsBlockExecuted).toEqual(false, 'should not have executed runs block yet'); fakeTimer.tick(100); expect(runsBlockExecuted).toEqual(false, 'should not have executed runs block yet'); fakeTimer.tick(400); expect(runsBlockExecuted).toEqual(false, 'should have timed out, so the second runs block should not have been called'); var actual = spec.results.getItems()[0].message; var expected = 'timeout: timed out after 500 msec waiting for something to happen'; expect(actual).toEqual(expected, 'expected "' + expected + '" but found "' + actual + '"'); }); it("testSpecAfter", function() { var log = ""; var spec; var suite = env.describe("has after", function() { spec ='spec with after', function() { this.runs(function() { log += "spec"; }); }); }); spec.after(function() { log += "after1"; }); spec.after(function() { log += "after2"; }); suite.execute(); expect(log).toEqual("specafter2after1"); // "after function should be executed in reverse order after spec runs"); }); describe('test suite declaration', function() { var suite; var dummyFunction = function() {}; it('should give the suite a description', function() { suite = env.describe('one suite description', dummyFunction); expect(suite.description).toEqual('one suite description'); // 'Suite did not get a description'); }); it('should add tests to suites declared by the passed function', function() { suite = env.describe('one suite description', function () {'should be a test'); }); expect(suite.specs.length).toEqual(1); // 'Suite did not get a spec pushed'); expect(suite.specs[0].queue.length).toEqual(0); // "Suite's Spec should not have queuedFunctions"); }); it('should enqueue functions for multipart tests', function() { suite = env.describe('one suite description', function () {'should be a test with queuedFunctions', function() { this.runs(function() { var foo = 0; foo++; }); }); }); expect(suite.specs[0].queue.length).toEqual(1); // "Suite's spec did not get a function pushed"); }); it('should enqueue functions for multipart tests and support waits, and run any ready runs() blocks', function() { var foo = 0; var bar = 0; suite = env.describe('one suite description', function () {'should be a test with queuedFunctions', function() { this.runs(function() { foo++; }); this.waits(100); this.runs(function() { bar++; }); }); }); expect(suite.specs[0].queue.length).toEqual(1); // "Suite's spec length should have been 1, was " + suite.specs[0].queue.length); suite.execute(); expect(suite.specs[0].queue.length).toEqual(3); // "Suite's spec length should have been 3, was " + suite.specs[0].queue.length); expect(foo).toEqual(1); expect(bar).toEqual(0); fakeTimer.tick(100); expect(bar).toEqual(1); }); }); it("testBeforeAndAfterCallbacks", function () { var suiteWithBefore = env.describe('one suite with a before', function () { this.beforeEach(function () { = 1; });'should be a spec', function () { this.runs(function() {; this.expect(; }); });'should be another spec', function () { this.runs(function() {; this.expect(; }); }); }); suiteWithBefore.execute(); var suite = suiteWithBefore; expect(suite.beforeEachFunction); // "testBeforeAndAfterCallbacks: Suite's beforeEach was not defined"); expect(suite.specs[0].results.getItems()[0].passed).toEqual(true); // "testBeforeAndAfterCallbacks: the first spec's foo should have been 2"); expect(suite.specs[1].results.getItems()[0].passed).toEqual(true); // "testBeforeAndAfterCallbacks: the second spec's should have been 2"); var suiteWithAfter = env.describe('one suite with an after_each', function () {'should be a spec with an after_each', function () { this.runs(function() { = 0;; this.expect(; }); });'should be another spec with an after_each', function () { this.runs(function() { = 0;; this.expect(; }); }); this.afterEach(function () { = 0; }); }); suiteWithAfter.execute(); var suite = suiteWithAfter; expect(suite.afterEachFunction); // "testBeforeAndAfterCallbacks: Suite's afterEach was not defined"); expect(suite.specs[0].results.getItems()[0].passed).toEqual(true); // "testBeforeAndAfterCallbacks: afterEach failure: " + suite.results.getItems()[0].results[0].message); expect(suite.specs[0].foo).toEqual(0); // "testBeforeAndAfterCallbacks: afterEach failure: foo was not reset to 0"); expect(suite.specs[1].results.getItems()[0].passed).toEqual(true); // "testBeforeAndAfterCallbacks: afterEach failure: " + suite.results.getItems()[0].results[0].message); expect(suite.specs[1].foo).toEqual(0); // "testBeforeAndAfterCallbacks: afterEach failure: foo was not reset to 0"); }); it("testBeforeExecutesSafely", function() { var report = ""; var suite = env.describe('before fails on first test, passes on second', function() { var counter = 0; this.beforeEach(function() { counter++; if (counter == 1) { throw "before failure"; } });"first should not run because before fails", function() { this.runs(function() { report += "first"; this.expect(true).toEqual(true); }); });"second should run and pass because before passes", function() { this.runs(function() { report += "second"; this.expect(true).toEqual(true); }); }); }); suite.execute(); expect(report).toEqual("firstsecond"); // "both tests should run"); expect(suite.specs[0].results.getItems()[0].passed).toEqual(false); // "1st spec should fail"); expect(suite.specs[1].results.getItems()[0].passed).toEqual(true); // "2nd spec should pass"); expect(suite.specs[0].results.getItems()[0].passed).toEqual(false); // "1st spec should fail"); expect(suite.specs[1].results.getItems()[0].passed).toEqual(true); // "2nd spec should pass"); }); it("testAfterExecutesSafely", function() { var report = ""; var suite = env.describe('after fails on first test, then passes', function() { var counter = 0; this.afterEach(function() { counter++; if (counter == 1) { throw "after failure"; } });"first should run, expectation passes, but spec fails because after fails", function() { this.runs(function() { report += "first"; this.expect(true).toEqual(true); }); });"second should run and pass because after passes", function() { this.runs(function() { report += "second"; this.expect(true).toEqual(true); }); });"third should run and pass because after passes", function() { this.runs(function() { report += "third"; this.expect(true).toEqual(true); }); }); }); suite.execute(); expect(report).toEqual("firstsecondthird"); // "all tests should run"); //After each errors should not go in spec results because it confuses the count. expect(suite.specs.length).toEqual(3, 'testAfterExecutesSafely should have results for three specs'); expect(suite.specs[0].results.getItems()[0].passed).toEqual(true, "testAfterExecutesSafely 1st spec should pass"); expect(suite.specs[1].results.getItems()[0].passed).toEqual(true, "testAfterExecutesSafely 2nd spec should pass"); expect(suite.specs[2].results.getItems()[0].passed).toEqual(true, "testAfterExecutesSafely 3rd spec should pass"); expect(suite.specs[0].results.getItems()[0].passed).toEqual(true, "testAfterExecutesSafely 1st result for 1st suite spec should pass"); expect(suite.specs[0].results.getItems()[1].passed).toEqual(false, "testAfterExecutesSafely 2nd result for 1st suite spec should fail because afterEach failed"); expect(suite.specs[1].results.getItems()[0].passed).toEqual(true, "testAfterExecutesSafely 2nd suite spec should pass"); expect(suite.specs[2].results.getItems()[0].passed).toEqual(true, "testAfterExecutesSafely 3rd suite spec should pass"); }); it("testNestedDescribes", function() { var actions = []; env.describe('Something', function() { env.beforeEach(function() { actions.push('outer beforeEach'); }); env.afterEach(function() { actions.push('outer afterEach'); });'does it 1', function() { actions.push('outer it 1'); }); env.describe('Inner 1', function() { env.beforeEach(function() { actions.push('inner 1 beforeEach'); }); env.afterEach(function() { actions.push('inner 1 afterEach'); });'does it 2', function() { actions.push('inner 1 it'); }); });'does it 3', function() { actions.push('outer it 2'); }); env.describe('Inner 2', function() { env.beforeEach(function() { actions.push('inner 2 beforeEach'); }); env.afterEach(function() { actions.push('inner 2 afterEach'); });'does it 2', function() { actions.push('inner 2 it'); }); }); }); env.execute(); var expected = [ "outer beforeEach", "outer it 1", "outer afterEach", "outer beforeEach", "inner 1 beforeEach", "inner 1 it", "inner 1 afterEach", "outer afterEach", "outer beforeEach", "outer it 2", "outer afterEach", "outer beforeEach", "inner 2 beforeEach", "inner 2 it", "inner 2 afterEach", "outer afterEach" ]; expect(env.equals_(actions, expected)).toEqual(true); // "nested describes order failed:
" + jasmine.pp(actions) + "
" + jasmine.pp(expected) + "