var createElement = function(tag, attrs) { var element = document.createElement(tag); for (var attr in attrs) { element[attr] = attrs[attr]; } return element; }; // Bootstrap Test Reporter function var Reporter = function () { = 0; this.passes = 0; this.fails = 0; this.start = new Date(); }; Reporter.prototype.toJSON = function(object) { return JSON.stringify(object); }; Reporter.prototype.test = function (result, message) {; if (result) { this.passes++; iconElement = document.getElementById('icons'); iconElement.appendChild(createElement('img', {src: '../images/go-16.png'})); } else { this.fails++; var fails_report = document.getElementById('fails'); = ""; var iconElement = document.getElementById('icons'); iconElement.appendChild(createElement('img', {src: '../images/fail-16.png'})); var failMessages = document.getElementById('fail_messages'); var newFail = createElement('p', {'class': 'fail'}); newFail.innerHTML = message; failMessages.appendChild(newFail); } }; Reporter.prototype.summary = function () { var el = createElement('p', {'class': ((this.fails > 0) ? 'fail_in_summary' : '') }); el.innerHTML = + ' expectations, ' + this.passes + ' passing, ' + this.fails + ' failed in ' + (new Date().getTime() - this.start.getTime()) + "ms."; var summaryElement = document.getElementById('results_summary'); summaryElement.appendChild(el); = ""; }; var reporter = new Reporter(); function runSuite(filename) { console.log(filename); var suite = jasmine.include(filename); suite.execute(); emitSuiteResults(filename, suite); } function emitSpecResults(testName, spec) { var results = spec.results.getItems(); reporter.test(results.length > 0, testName + ": should have results, got " + results.length); for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { reporter.test(results[i].passed === true, testName + ':' + spec.getFullName() + ": expectation number " + i + " failed: " + results[i].message); } } function emitSuiteResults(testName, suite) { for (var j = 0; j < suite.specs.length; j++) { var specOrSuite = suite.specs[j]; if (specOrSuite instanceof jasmine.Suite) { emitSuiteResults(testName, specOrSuite); } else { emitSpecResults(testName, specOrSuite); } } } var testExplodes = function () { var suite = describe('exploding', function () { it('should throw an exception when this.explodes is called inside a spec', function() { var exceptionMessage = false; try { this.explodes(); } catch (e) { exceptionMessage = e; } expect(exceptionMessage).toEqual('explodes function should not have been called'); }); }); suite.execute(); emitSuiteResults('testExplodes', suite); }; function newJasmineEnv() { return new jasmine.Env(); } var testRunner = function() { }; var testRunnerFinishCallback = function () { var env = newJasmineEnv(); var foo = 0; env.currentRunner.finish(); reporter.test((env.currentRunner.finished === true), "Runner finished flag was not set."); env.currentRunner.finishCallback = function () { foo++; }; env.currentRunner.finish(); reporter.test((env.currentRunner.finished === true), "Runner finished flag was not set."); reporter.test((foo === 1), "Runner finish callback was not called"); }; var testHandlesBlankSpecs = function () { var env = newJasmineEnv(); env.describe('Suite for handles blank specs', function () {'should be a test with a blank runs block', function() { this.runs(function () { }); });'should be a blank (empty function) test', function() { }); }); var runner = env.currentRunner; runner.execute(); reporter.test((runner.suites[0].results.getItems().length === 2), 'Should have found 2 spec results, got ' + runner.suites[0].results.getItems().length); reporter.test((runner.suites[0].results.passedCount === 2), 'Should have found 2 passing specs, got ' + runner.suites[0].results.passedCount); }; var testResultsAliasing = function () { var env = newJasmineEnv(); env.describe('Suite for result aliasing test', function () {'should be a test', function() { this.runs(function () { this.expect(true).toEqual(true); }); }); }); }; var runTests = function () { document.getElementById('spinner').style.display = ""; runSuite('suites/PrettyPrintTest.js'); runSuite('suites/MatchersTest.js'); runSuite('suites/SpecRunningTest.js'); runSuite('suites/NestedResultsTest.js'); runSuite('suites/ReporterTest.js'); runSuite('suites/RunnerTest.js'); runSuite('suites/JsonReporterTest.js'); runSuite('suites/SpyTest.js'); runSuite('suites/ExceptionsTest.js'); // testResultsAliasing(); // this appears to do nothing. // handle blank specs will work later. // testHandlesBlankSpecs(); reporter.summary(); document.getElementById('spinner').style.display = "none"; };