describe('jasmine.Reporter', function() { var env; var fakeTimer; beforeEach(function() { env = new jasmine.Env(); fakeTimer = new jasmine.FakeTimer(); env.setTimeout = fakeTimer.setTimeout; env.clearTimeout = fakeTimer.clearTimeout; env.setInterval = fakeTimer.setInterval; env.clearInterval = fakeTimer.clearInterval; }); it('should get called from the test runner', function() { env.describe('Suite for JSON Reporter with Callbacks', function () {'should be a test', function() { this.runs(function () { this.expect(true).toEqual(true); }); });'should be a failing test', function() { this.runs(function () { this.expect(false).toEqual(true); }); }); }); env.describe('Suite for JSON Reporter with Callbacks 2', function () {'should be a test', function() { this.runs(function () { this.expect(true).toEqual(true); }); }); }); var foo = 0; var bar = 0; var baz = 0; var specCallback = function (results) { foo++; }; var suiteCallback = function (results) { bar++; }; var runnerCallback = function (results) { baz++; }; env.reporter = jasmine.Reporters.reporter({ specCallback: specCallback, suiteCallback: suiteCallback, runnerCallback: runnerCallback }); var runner = env.currentRunner; runner.execute(); fakeTimer.tick(0); expect(foo).toEqual(3); // 'foo was expected to be 3, was ' + foo); expect(bar).toEqual(2); // 'bar was expected to be 2, was ' + bar); expect(baz).toEqual(1); // 'baz was expected to be 1, was ' + baz); }); });