var fs = require("fs"); var sys = require("sys"); var path = require("path"); var JSHINT = require("./jshint").JSHINT; function isExcluded(fullPath) { var fileName = path.basename(fullPath); var excludeFiles = ["json2.js", "jshint.js", "publish.js", "node_suite.js", "jasmine.js", "jasmine-html.js"]; for (var i = 0; i < excludeFiles.length; i++) { if (fileName == excludeFiles[i]) { return true; } } return false; } // DWF TODO: This function could/should be re-written function allJasmineJsFiles(rootDir) { var files = []; fs.readdirSync(rootDir).filter(function(filename) { var fullPath = rootDir + "/" + filename; if (fs.statSync(fullPath).isDirectory() && !fullPath.match(/pages/)) { var subDirFiles = allJasmineJsFiles(fullPath); if (subDirFiles.length > 0) { files = files.concat(); return true; } } else { if (fullPath.match(/\.js$/) && !isExcluded(fullPath)) { files.push(fullPath); return true; } } return false; }); return files; } var jasmineJsFiles = allJasmineJsFiles("."); jasmineJsFiles.reverse(); //cheap way to do the stuff in src stuff first var jasmineJsHintConfig = { forin:true, //while it's possible that we could be //considering unwanted prototype methods, mostly //we're doing this because the jsobjects are being //used as maps. loopfunc:true //we're fine with functions defined inside loops (setTimeout functions, etc) }; var jasmineGlobals = {}; //jasmine.undefined is a jasmine-ism, let's let it go... function removeJasmineUndefinedErrors(errors) { var keepErrors = []; for (var i = 0; i < errors.length; i++) { if (!(errors[i] && errors[i].raw && errors[i].evidence && ( errors[i].evidence.match(/jasmine\.undefined/) || errors[i].evidence.match(/diz be undefined yo/) ) )) { keepErrors.push(errors[i]); } } return keepErrors; } (function() { var ansi = { green: '\033[32m', red: '\033[31m', yellow: '\033[33m', none: '\033[0m' }; for (var i = 0; i < jasmineJsFiles.length; i++) { var file = jasmineJsFiles[i]; JSHINT(fs.readFileSync(file, "utf8"), jasmineJsHintConfig); var errors = || []; errors = removeJasmineUndefinedErrors(errors); if (errors.length >= 1) { console.log( + "Jasmine JSHint failure: " + ansi.none); console.log(file); console.log(errors); process.exit(1); } } console.log( + "Jasmine JSHint PASSED." + ansi.none); })();