require 'erb' module Jasmine class RunAdapter def initialize(spec_files) p "spec_files: #{spec_files}" @spec_files = spec_files end def call(env) spec_files = @spec_files body =, "run.html"))).result(binding) [ 200, { 'Content-Type' => 'text/html' }, body ] end end class SimpleServer def self.start(spec_dir, mappings) require "thin" config = { '/run.html' => } mappings.each do |from, to| config[from] = end app = Thin::Server.start('', 8080, app) end end class SimpleClient def initialize(selenium_host, selenium_port, selenium_browser_start_command, http_address) require 'selenium' @driver = selenium_host, selenium_port, selenium_browser_start_command, http_address ) @http_address = http_address end def tests_have_finished? @driver.get_eval("window.jasmine.getEnv().currentRunner.finished") == "true" end def run() @driver.start until tests_have_finished? do sleep 0.1 end puts @driver.get_eval("window.getResults()") failed_count = @driver.get_eval("window.jasmine.getEnv().currentRunner.getResults().failedCount").to_i failed_count == 0 end end class Runner def initialize(selenium_jar_path, spec_files, dir_mappings) @selenium_jar_path = selenium_jar_path @spec_files = spec_files @dir_mappings = dir_mappings end def run selenium_pid = nil jasmine_server_pid = nil begin selenium_pid = fork do exec "java -jar #{@selenium_jar_path}" end puts "selenium started. pid is #{selenium_pid}" jasmine_server_pid = fork do Jasmine::SimpleServer.start(@spec_files, @dir_mappings) end puts "jasmine server started. pid is #{jasmine_server_pid}" wait_for_listener(4444, "selenium server") wait_for_listener(8080, "jasmine server") puts "servers are listening on their ports -- running the test script..." tests_passed ="localhost", 4444, "*firefox", "http://localhost:8080/run.html").run ensure puts "shutting down the servers..." Process.kill 15, selenium_pid if selenium_pid Process.kill 15, jasmine_server_pid if jasmine_server_pid end return tests_passed end end end