require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "spec/jasmine_helper.rb")) def jasmine_sources sources = ["src/base.js", "src/util.js", "src/Env.js", "src/Reporter.js", "src/Block.js"] sources += Dir.glob('src/*.js').reject { |f| f == 'src/base.js' || sources.include?(f) }.sort sources end def jasmine_html_sources ["src/html/TrivialReporter.js"] end def jasmine_filename "jasmine-#{jasmine_version}.js" end def jasmine_version "#{version_hash['major']}.#{version_hash['minor']}.#{version_hash['build']}" end def version_hash require 'json' @version ||= JSON.parse("src/version.json").read); end def start_jasmine_server(jasmine_includes = nil) require File.expand_path(File.join(JasmineHelper.jasmine_root, "contrib/ruby/jasmine_spec_builder")) puts "your tests are here:" puts " http://localhost:8888/run.html" Jasmine::SimpleServer.start( 8888, lambda { JasmineHelper.specs }, JasmineHelper.dir_mappings, :jasmine_files => jasmine_includes) end task :default => 'jasmine:dist' def substitute_jasmine_version(filename) contents = contents = contents.gsub(/##JASMINE_VERSION##/, (jasmine_version)), 'w') { |f| f.write(contents) } end namespace :jasmine do desc 'Prepares for distribution' task :dist => ['jasmine:build', 'jasmine:doc', 'jasmine:build_example_project'] desc 'Check jasmine sources for coding problems' task :lint do passed = true jasmine_sources.each do |src| lines =\n/) lines.each_index do |i| line = lines[i] undefineds = line.scan(/.?undefined/) if undefineds.include?(" undefined") || undefineds.include?("\tundefined") puts "Dangerous undefined at #{src}:#{i}:\n > #{line}" passed = false end if line.scan(/window/).length > 0 puts "Dangerous window at #{src}:#{i}:\n > #{line}" passed = false end end end unless passed puts "Lint failed!" exit 1 end end desc 'Builds lib/jasmine from source' task :build => :lint do puts 'Building Jasmine from source' sources = jasmine_sources version = version_hash old_jasmine_files = Dir.glob('lib/jasmine*.js') old_jasmine_files.each { |file| File.delete(file) }"lib/jasmine.js", 'w') do |jasmine| sources.each do |source_filename| jasmine.puts( end jasmine.puts %{ jasmine.version_= { "major": #{version['major']}, "minor": #{version['minor']}, "build": #{version['build']}, "revision": #{} }; } end"lib/jasmine-html.js", 'w') do |jasmine_html| jasmine_html_sources.each do |source_filename| jasmine_html.puts( end end FileUtils.cp("src/html/jasmine.css", "lib/jasmine.css") end desc "Build jasmine documentation" task :doc do puts 'Creating Jasmine Documentation' require 'rubygems' #sudo gem install ragaskar-jsdoc_helper require 'jsdoc_helper' do |t| t[:files] = jasmine_sources << jasmine_html_sources t[:options] = "-a" end Rake::Task[:lambda_jsdoc].invoke end desc "Build example project" task :build_example_project do require 'tmpdir' temp_dir = File.join(Dir.tmpdir, 'jasmine-standalone-project') puts "Building Example Project in #{temp_dir}" FileUtils.rm_r temp_dir if File.exists?(temp_dir) Dir.mkdir(temp_dir) root = JasmineHelper.jasmine_root FileUtils.cp_r File.join(root, 'example/.'), File.join(temp_dir) substitute_jasmine_version(File.join(temp_dir, "SpecRunner.html")) lib_dir = File.join(temp_dir, "lib/jasmine-#{jasmine_version}") FileUtils.mkdir_p(lib_dir) { "lib/jasmine.js" => "jasmine.js", "lib/jasmine-html.js" => "jasmine-html.js", "src/html/jasmine.css" => "jasmine.css" }.each_pair do |src, dest| FileUtils.cp(File.join(root, src), File.join(lib_dir, dest)) end dist_dir = File.join(root, 'dist') zip_file_name = File.join(dist_dir, "jasmine-standalone-#{jasmine_version}.zip") puts "Zipping Example Project and moving to #{zip_file_name}" FileUtils.rm_r dist_dir if File.exists?(dist_dir) Dir.mkdir(dist_dir) exec "cd #{temp_dir} && zip -r #{zip_file_name} . -x .[a-zA-Z0-9]*" end task :server do files = jasmine_sources + jasmine_html_sources jasmine_includes = lambda { raw_jasmine_includes = files.collect { |f| File.expand_path(File.join(JasmineHelper.jasmine_root, f)) } Jasmine.cachebust(raw_jasmine_includes).collect { |f| f.sub(JasmineHelper.jasmine_src_dir, "/src").sub(JasmineHelper.jasmine_lib_dir, "/lib") } } start_jasmine_server(jasmine_includes) end task :server_build => 'jasmine:build' do start_jasmine_server end namespace :test do task :ci => :'ci:local' namespace :ci do task :local => 'jasmine:build' do require "spec" require 'spec/rake/spectask' do |t| t.spec_opts = ["--color", "--format", "specdoc"] t.spec_files = ["spec/jasmine_spec.rb"] end Rake::Task[:lambda_ci].invoke end task :saucelabs => ['jasmine:copy_saucelabs_config', 'jasmine:build'] do ENV['SAUCELABS'] = 'true' Rake::Task['jasmine:test:ci:local'].invoke end end end desc 'Copy saucelabs.yml to work directory' task 'copy_saucelabs_config' do FileUtils.cp '../saucelabs.yml', 'spec' end end task :jasmine => ['jasmine:server']