describe("TrivialConsoleReporter", function() { //keep these literal. otherwise the test loses value as a test. function green(str) { return '\033[32m' + str + '\033[0m'; } function red(str) { return '\033[31m' + str + '\033[0m'; } function yellow(str) { return '\033[33m' + str + '\033[0m'; } function prefixGreen(str) { return '\033[32m' + str; } function prefixRed(str) { return '\033[31m' + str; } var newline = "\n"; var passingSpec = { results: function() { return { passed: function() { return true; } }; } }, failingSpec = { results: function() { return {passed: function() { return false; }}; } }, skippedSpec = { results: function() { return {skipped: true}; } }, passingRun = { results: function() { return {failedCount: 0, items_: [null, null, null]}; } }, failingRun = { results: function() { return {failedCount: 7, items_: [null, null, null]}; } }; function repeatedlyInvoke(f, times) { for (var i = 0; i < times; i++) f(times + 1); } function repeat(thing, times) { var arr = []; for (var i = 0; i < times; i++) arr.push(thing); return arr; } function simulateRun(reporter, specResults, suiteResults, finalRunner, startTime, endTime) { reporter.reportRunnerStarting(); for (var i = 0; i < specResults.length; i++) { reporter.reportSpecResults(specResults[i]); } for (i = 0; i < suiteResults.length; i++) { reporter.reportSuiteResults(suiteResults[i]); } reporter.runnerStartTime = startTime; = function() { return endTime; }; reporter.reportRunnerResults(finalRunner); } var reporter, out, done; beforeEach(function() { out = (function() { var output = ""; return { print:function(str) { output += str; }, getOutput:function() { return output; }, clear: function() { output = ""; } }; })(); done = false; reporter = new jasmine.TrivialConsoleReporter(out.print, function(runner) { done = true }); }); describe('Integration', function() { it("prints the proper output under a pass scenario. small numbers.", function() { simulateRun(reporter, repeat(passingSpec, 3), [], { results:function() { return { items_: [null, null, null], totalCount: 7, failedCount: 0 }; } }, 1000, 1777 ); expect(out.getOutput()).toEqual( [ "Started", green(".") + green(".") + green("."), "", "Finished in 0.777 seconds", green("3 specs, 7 expectations, 0 failures"), "" ].join("\n") + "\n" ); }); it("prints the proper output under a pass scenario. large numbers.", function() { simulateRun(reporter, repeat(passingSpec, 57), [], { results:function() { return { items_: [null, null, null], totalCount: 7, failedCount: 0 }; } }, 1000, 1777); expect(out.getOutput()).toEqual( [ "Started", green(".") + green(".") + green(".") + green(".") + green(".") + //50 green dots green(".") + green(".") + green(".") + green(".") + green(".") + green(".") + green(".") + green(".") + green(".") + green(".") + green(".") + green(".") + green(".") + green(".") + green(".") + green(".") + green(".") + green(".") + green(".") + green(".") + green(".") + green(".") + green(".") + green(".") + green(".") + green(".") + green(".") + green(".") + green(".") + green(".") + green(".") + green(".") + green(".") + green(".") + green(".") + green(".") + green(".") + green(".") + green(".") + green(".") + green(".") + green(".") + green(".") + green(".") + green(".") + green(".") + green(".") + green(".") + green(".") + green(".") + //7 green dots green(".") + green("."), "", "Finished in 0.777 seconds", green("3 specs, 7 expectations, 0 failures"), "" ].join("\n") + "\n" ); }); it("prints the proper output under a failure scenario.", function() { simulateRun(reporter, [failingSpec, passingSpec, failingSpec], [ {description:"The oven", results:function() { return { items_:[ {failedCount:2, description:"heats up", items_:[ {trace:{stack:"stack trace one\n second line"}}, {trace:{stack:"stack trace two"}} ]} ] }; }}, {description:"The washing machine", results:function() { return { items_:[ {failedCount:2, description:"washes clothes", items_:[ {trace:{stack:"stack trace one"}} ]} ] }; }} ], { results:function() { return { items_: [null, null, null], totalCount: 7, failedCount: 2 }; } }, 1000, 1777); expect(out.getOutput()).toEqual( [ "Started", red("F") + green(".") + red("F"), "", "The oven heats up", " stack trace one", " second line", " stack trace two", "", "The washing machine washes clothes", " stack trace one", "", "Finished in 0.777 seconds", red("3 specs, 7 expectations, 2 failures"), "" ].join("\n") + "\n" ); }); }); describe('When a Jasmine environment executes', function() { beforeEach(function() { reporter.reportRunnerStarting(); }); it("should print 'Started' to the console", function() { expect(out.getOutput()).toEqual("Started" + newline); }); describe('when a spec reports', function() { beforeEach(function() { out.clear(); }); it("prints a green dot if the spec passes", function() { reporter.reportSpecResults(passingSpec); expect(out.getOutput()).toEqual(green(".")); }); it("prints a red dot if the spec fails", function() { reporter.reportSpecResults(failingSpec); expect(out.getOutput()).toEqual(red("F")); }); it("prints a yellow star if the spec was skipped", function() { reporter.reportSpecResults(skippedSpec); expect(out.getOutput()).toEqual(yellow("*")); }); }); describe('when a suite reports', function() { var emptyResults; beforeEach(function() { emptyResults = function() { return { items_:[] }; }; }); it("remembers suite results", function() { reporter.reportSuiteResults({description: "Oven", results: emptyResults}); reporter.reportSuiteResults({description: "Mixer", results: emptyResults}); expect(reporter.suiteResults[0].description).toEqual('Oven'); expect(reporter.suiteResults[1].description).toEqual('Mixer'); }); it("creates a description out of the current suite and any parent suites", function() { var grandparentSuite = { description: "My house", results: emptyResults }; var parentSuite = { description: "kitchen", parentSuite: grandparentSuite, results: emptyResults }; reporter.reportSuiteResults({ description: "oven", parentSuite: parentSuite, results: emptyResults }); expect(reporter.suiteResults[0].description).toEqual("My house kitchen oven"); }); it("gathers failing spec results from the suite - the spec must have a description.", function() { reporter.reportSuiteResults({description:"Oven", results: function() { return { items_:[ { failedCount: 0, description: "specOne" }, { failedCount: 99, description: "specTwo" }, { failedCount: 0, description: "specThree" }, { failedCount: 88, description: "specFour" }, { failedCount: 3 } ] }; }}); expect(reporter.suiteResults[0].failedSpecResults). toEqual([ { failedCount: 99, description: "specTwo" }, { failedCount: 88, description: "specFour" } ]); }); }); describe('and finishes', function() { describe('when reporting spec failure information', function() { it("prints suite and spec descriptions together as a sentence", function() { reporter.suiteResults = [ {description:"The oven", failedSpecResults:[ {description:"heats up", items_:[]}, {description:"cleans itself", items_:[]} ]}, {description:"The mixer", failedSpecResults:[ {description:"blends things together", items_:[]} ]} ]; reporter.reportRunnerResults(failingRun); expect(out.getOutput()).toContain("The oven heats up"); expect(out.getOutput()).toContain("The oven cleans itself"); expect(out.getOutput()).toContain("The mixer blends things together"); }); it("prints stack trace of spec failure", function() { reporter.suiteResults = [ {description:"The oven", failedSpecResults:[ {description:"heats up", items_:[ {trace:{stack:"stack trace one"}}, {trace:{stack:"stack trace two"}} ]} ]} ]; reporter.reportRunnerResults(failingRun); expect(out.getOutput()).toContain("The oven heats up"); expect(out.getOutput()).toContain("stack trace one"); expect(out.getOutput()).toContain("stack trace two"); }); }); describe('when reporting the execution time', function() { it("prints the full finished message", function() { = function() { return 1000; }; reporter.reportRunnerStarting(); = function() { return 1777; }; reporter.reportRunnerResults(failingRun); expect(out.getOutput()).toContain("Finished in 0.777 seconds"); }); it("prints round time numbers correctly", function() { function run(startTime, endTime) { out.clear(); reporter.runnerStartTime = startTime; = function() { return endTime; }; reporter.reportRunnerResults(passingRun); } run(1000, 11000); expect(out.getOutput()).toContain("10 seconds"); run(1000, 2000); expect(out.getOutput()).toContain("1 seconds"); run(1000, 1100); expect(out.getOutput()).toContain("0.1 seconds"); run(1000, 1010); expect(out.getOutput()).toContain("0.01 seconds"); run(1000, 1001); expect(out.getOutput()).toContain("0.001 seconds"); }); }); describe("when reporting the results summary", function() { it("prints statistics in green if there were no failures", function() { reporter.reportRunnerResults({ results:function() { return {items_: [null, null, null], totalCount: 7, failedCount: 0}; } }); expect(out.getOutput()). toContain("3 specs, 7 expectations, 0 failures"); }); it("prints statistics in red if there was a failure", function() { reporter.reportRunnerResults({ results:function() { return {items_: [null, null, null], totalCount: 7, failedCount: 3}; } }); expect(out.getOutput()). toContain("3 specs, 7 expectations, 3 failures"); }); it("handles pluralization with 1's ones appropriately", function() { reporter.reportRunnerResults({ results:function() { return {items_: [null], totalCount: 1, failedCount: 1}; } }); expect(out.getOutput()). toContain("1 spec, 1 expectation, 1 failure"); }); }); describe("done callback", function() { it("calls back when done", function() { expect(done).toBeFalsy(); reporter.reportRunnerResults({ results:function() { return {items_: [null, null, null], totalCount: 7, failedCount: 0}; } }); expect(done).toBeTruthy(); }); }); }); }); });