Use vendored Jasmine helpers! No more copying around all those fun helpers to all your projects! Works in jasmine-headless-webkit versions that support Sprockets. ## What it comes with... It comes with the libraries I need: * [jasmine-jquery]( 1.3.1 * [jasmine-sinon]( 0.1.0 * [Sinon.js]( 1.2.0 ## How to use it It's Sprockets vendored gem goodness, so at the top of your `spec_helper`: ``` coffee #= require jasmine-jquery #= require sinon #= require jasmine-sinon ...make cool code... ``` ## Why? I got sick of copying jasmine-jquery and sinon to all my projects. Now with one gem, they're all available. It also makes it easier to copy around your own JS stuff. ## Warnings from the bleeding edge So early in its development! I'm just bundling these libraries together, and if you want a newer version or a new library included, do a pull request!