require 'jasmine-headless-webkit' require 'fakefs/spec_helpers' RSpec.configure do |c| c.mock_with :mocha c.before(:each) do Jasmine::Headless::CacheableAction.enabled = false end end specrunner = 'ext/jasmine-webkit-specrunner/jasmine-webkit-specrunner' if !File.file?(specrunner) Dir.chdir File.split(specrunner).first do system %{ruby extconf.rb} end end module RSpec::Matchers define :be_a_report_containing do |total, fails, used_console| match do |filename| parts(filename).length.should == 4 parts[0].should == total.to_s parts[1].should == fails.to_s parts[2].should == (used_console ? "T" : "F") true end failure_message_for_should do |filename| parts(filename) "expected #{filename} to be a report containing (#{total}, #{fails}, #{used_console.inspect}), instead it contained (#{parts[0]}, #{parts[1]}, #{(parts[2] == "T").inspect})" end def parts(filename = nil) @parts ||= File.readlines(filename).first.strip.split('/') end end define :contain_a_failing_spec do |*parts| match do |filename| report(filename).include?(parts.join("||")).should be_true end def report(filename) @report ||= File.readlines(filename)[1..-1].collect(&:strip) end end define :be_a_file do match do |file| File.file?(file) end end end