#include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Runner.h" namespace HeadlessSpecRunner { Runner::Runner() : QObject() , m_runs(0) , hasErrors(false) , usedConsole(false) , showColors(false) , isFinished(false) , didFail(false) , consoleNotUsedThisRun(false) { m_page.settings()->enablePersistentStorage(); connect(&m_page, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)), this, SLOT(watch(bool))); connect(&m_page, SIGNAL(consoleLog(QString, int, QString)), this, SLOT(errorLog(QString, int, QString))); connect(&m_page, SIGNAL(internalLog(QString, QString)), this, SLOT(internalLog(QString, QString))); connect(m_page.mainFrame(), SIGNAL(javaScriptWindowObjectCleared()), this, SLOT(addJHW())); } void Runner::addFile(const QString &spec) { runnerFiles.enqueue(spec); } void Runner::go() { m_ticker.stop(); m_page.setPreferredContentsSize(QSize(1024, 600)); addJHW(); loadSpec(); } void Runner::addJHW() { m_page.mainFrame()->addToJavaScriptWindowObject("JHW", this); } void Runner::loadSpec() { m_page.mainFrame()->load(runnerFiles.dequeue()); m_ticker.start(200, this); } void Runner::watch(bool ok) { if (!ok) { std::cerr << "Can't load " << qPrintable(m_page.mainFrame()->url().toString()) << ", the file may be broken." << std::endl; std::cerr << "Out of curiosity, did your tests try to submit a form and you haven't prevented that?" << std::endl; std::cerr << "Try running your tests in your browser with the Jasmine server and see what happens." << std::endl; QApplication::instance()->exit(1); return; } m_ticker.start(200, this); } bool Runner::hasElement(const char *select) { return !m_page.mainFrame()->findFirstElement(select).isNull(); } void Runner::setColors(bool colors) { showColors = colors; consoleOutput.showColors = colors; } void Runner::reportFile(const QString &file) { reportFilename = file; } void Runner::red() { if (showColors) std::cout << "\033[0;31m"; } void Runner::green() { if (showColors) std::cout << "\033[0;32m"; } void Runner::yellow() { if (showColors) std::cout << "\033[0;33m"; } void Runner::clear() { if (showColors) std::cout << "\033[m"; } void Runner::specPassed() { consoleNotUsedThisRun = true; consoleOutput.passed(""); } void Runner::specFailed(const QString &specDetail) { consoleNotUsedThisRun = true; consoleOutput.failed(""); didFail = true; failedSpecs.push(specDetail); } void Runner::errorLog(const QString &msg, int lineNumber, const QString &sourceID) { red(); std::cout << "[error] "; clear(); std::cout << qPrintable(sourceID) << ":" << lineNumber << " : " << qPrintable(msg); std::cout << std::endl; hasErrors = true; m_runs = 0; m_ticker.start(200, this); } void Runner::internalLog(const QString ¬e, const QString &msg) { red(); std::cout << "[" << qPrintable(note) << "] "; clear(); std::cout << qPrintable(msg); std::cout << std::endl; } void Runner::log(const QString &msg) { usedConsole = true; green(); if (consoleNotUsedThisRun) { std::cout << std::endl; consoleNotUsedThisRun = false; } std::cout << "[console] "; clear(); if (msg.contains("\n")) std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << qPrintable(msg); std::cout << std::endl; } void Runner::leavePageAttempt(const QString &msg) { red(); std::cout << "[error] "; clear(); std::cout << qPrintable(msg) << std::endl; m_page.oneFalseConfirm(); hasErrors = true; } void Runner::printName(const QString &name) { std::cout << std::endl << std::endl; red(); std::cout << qPrintable(name) << std::endl; clear(); } void Runner::printResult(const QString &result) { red(); std::cout << " " << qPrintable(result) << std::endl; clear(); } void Runner::finishSuite(const QString &duration, const QString &total, const QString& failed) { std::cout << std::endl; if (didFail) { red(); std::cout << "FAIL: "; } else { green(); std::cout << "PASS"; if (hasErrors) { std::cout << " with JS errors"; } std::cout << ": "; } std::cout << qPrintable(total) << " tests, " << qPrintable(failed) << " failures, " << qPrintable(duration) << " secs."; clear(); std::cout << std::endl; if (!reportFilename.isEmpty()) { QFile reportFH(reportFilename); if (reportFH.open(QFile::WriteOnly)) { QTextStream report(&reportFH); report << qPrintable(total) << "/" << qPrintable(failed) << "/"; report << (usedConsole ? "T" : "F"); report << "/" << qPrintable(duration) << "\n"; QString failedSpec; while (!failedSpecs.isEmpty()) { failedSpec = failedSpecs.pop(); report << qPrintable(failedSpec) << "\n"; } reportFH.close(); } } isFinished = true; } void Runner::timerEvent(QTimerEvent *event) { ++m_runs; if (event->timerId() != m_ticker.timerId()) return; if (hasErrors && m_runs > 2) QApplication::instance()->exit(1); if (isFinished) { int exitCode = 0; if (didFail || hasErrors) { exitCode = 1; } else { if (usedConsole) { exitCode = 2; } } bool runAgain = true; if (runnerFiles.count() == 0) { runAgain = false; } else { if (exitCode == 1) { runAgain = false; } } if (runAgain) { isFinished = false; loadSpec(); } else { QApplication::instance()->exit(exitCode); } } if (m_runs > 30) { std::cout << "WARNING: too many runs and the test is still not finished!" << std::endl; QApplication::instance()->exit(1); } } }