# Jasmine Headless WebKit runner Run your specs at sonic boom speed! No pesky reload button or page rendering slowdowns! ## Introduction This gem works with projects that have used the [Jasmine gem](https://github.com/pivotal/jasmine-gem) to create a `jasmine.yml` file that defines what to test. The runner loads that `jasmine.yml` file and executes the tests defined within in a Qt WebKit widget, displaying the results to the console and setting the exit code to one of the following: * 0 for success * 1 for spec run failure * 2 for spec run success, but `console.log` was called during the run `console.log` works, too, so you can run your specs side-by-side in a browser if you're so inclined. It serializes whatever you're passing in as as JSON string, so objects that are cyclical in nature will not serialize. If anyone has a good solution for this, please suggest and/or fork'n'fix. ## Installation `gem install jasmine-headless-webkit` or use Bundler. Installation requires Qt 4.7. See [senchalabs/examples](https://github.com/senchalabs/examples) and [my fork of examples](https://github.com/johnbintz/examples) for more information on the QtWebKit runner. Tested in the following environments: * Mac OS X 10.6, with MacPorts Qt and Nokia Qt.mpkg * Kubuntu 10.10 Let me know via a message or in the Issues section if it works on your setup and it's not listed! ## Usage jasmine-headless-webkit [options] [path to jasmine.yml, defaults to spec/javascripts/support/jasmine.yml] Current supported options: * `-c`/`--colors` enables color output * `--no-colors` disables color output These options can also be placed into a `.jasmine-headless-webkit` file in your project root. ### CoffeeScript Support `jasmine-headless-webkit` brings in the `coffee-script-source` gem and allows you to run CoffeeScript files without needing compilation. It uses [the `