Feature: Using the Runner directly Scenario: Succeed Given I have the following runner options: """ :jasmine_config: spec/jasmine/success/success.yml :reporters: - [ 'File', 'spec/report.txt' ] """ When I get a runner And I run the runner Then the runner should have an exit status of 0 And the report file "spec/report.txt" should have 1 total, 0 failures, no console usage Scenario: JavaScript Error Given I have the following runner options: """ :jasmine_config: spec/jasmine/success_with_error/success_with_error.yml """ When I get a runner And I run the runner Then the runner should have an exit status of 1 Scenario: Failure Given I have the following runner options: """ :jasmine_config: spec/jasmine/failure/failure.yml :reporters: - [ 'File', 'spec/report.txt' ] """ When I get a runner And I run the runner Then the runner should have an exit status of 1 And the report file "spec/report.txt" should have 1 total, 1 failure, no console usage