!SLIDE # Writing Jasmine Tests !SLIDE # RSpec? !SLIDE @@@ ruby (2 + 2).should == 4 !SLIDE # Jasmine! !SLIDE @@@ javascript expect(2 + 2).toEqual(4) !SLIDE # RSpec? @@@ ruby describe "CatsView" do before do @cats = [ stub ] end it 'should show cats' do render rendered.should have_css('#cats li') end end !SLIDE # JavaScript? @@@ javascript describe("CatsView", function() { var view; beforeEach(function() { view = new CatsView({collection: [ {} ]}) }): it('should show cats', function() { view.render() expect($(view.el)).toContain('#cats li') }); }); !SLIDE # CoffeeScript? @@@ coffeescript describe "CatsView", -> view = null beforeEach -> view = new CatsView(collection: [ {} ]) it 'should show cats', -> view.render() expect($(view.el)).toContain('#cats li') !SLIDE # Plenty of resources to learn Jasmine itself !SLIDE # tryjasmine.com !SLIDE # But once you know Jasmine...