!SLIDE # Debugging !SLIDE # Most problems are debuggable !SLIDE # Qt WebKit widget has a big limitation... !SLIDE # No stack traces! !SLIDE # Chrome, Safari, and other WebKit browsers implement their own stack traces !SLIDE # How do you debug problems like SyntaxErrors and other weird ones? !SLIDE bullets incremental # Write out the runner file! * `--keep` * `runner_output` !SLIDE # One-time shot? !SLIDE # `jasmine-headless-webkit --keep` !SLIDE # `--runner-out runner.html` !SLIDE # `open runner.html` !SLIDE # Write it all the time? !SLIDE ## spec/javascripts/support/jasmine.yml @@@ yaml runner_output: "runner.html" !SLIDE # Debugging Sprockets includes !SLIDE # `jasmine-headless-webkit -l` !SLIDE # List all files that JHW will include, in order