require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'test_helper') class SyncTest < Test::Unit::TestCase context "with a file to test and a destination to verify" do setup do # avoid having other tests interfering with us sleep(0.2) #FileUtils.rm_f(target_file) end teardown do #FileUtils.rm_f(target_file) end should "synchronize a test file over ssh with rsync" do local = File.join(Dir.tmpdir, 'hydra', 'local') remote = File.join(Dir.tmpdir, 'hydra', 'remote') sync_test = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'fixtures', 'sync_test.rb') [local, remote].each{|f| FileUtils.rm_rf f; FileUtils.mkdir_p f} # setup the folders: # local: # - test_a # - test_c # remote: # - test_b # # add test_c to exludes FileUtils.cp(sync_test, File.join(local, 'test_a.rb')) FileUtils.cp(sync_test, File.join(local, 'test_c.rb')) FileUtils.cp(sync_test, File.join(remote, 'test_b.rb')) # ensure a is not on remote assert !File.exists?(File.join(remote, 'test_a.rb')), "A should not be on remote" # ensure c is not on remote assert !File.exists?(File.join(remote, 'test_c.rb')), "C should not be on remote" # ensure b is on remote assert File.exists?(File.join(remote, 'test_b.rb')), "B should be on remote" { :type => :ssh, :connect => 'localhost', :directory => remote, :runners => 1 }, { :directory => local, :exclude => ['test_c.rb'] } ) # ensure a is copied assert File.exists?(File.join(remote, 'test_a.rb')), "A was not copied" # ensure c is not copied assert !File.exists?(File.join(remote, 'test_c.rb')), "C was copied, should be excluded" # ensure b is deleted assert !File.exists?(File.join(remote, 'test_b.rb')), "B was not deleted" end should "synchronize a test file over ssh with rsync to multiple workers" do local = File.join(Dir.tmpdir, 'hydra', 'local') remote_a = File.join(Dir.tmpdir, 'hydra', 'remote_a') remote_b = File.join(Dir.tmpdir, 'hydra', 'remote_b') sync_test = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'fixtures', 'sync_test.rb') [local, remote_a, remote_b].each{|f| FileUtils.rm_rf f; FileUtils.mkdir_p f} # setup the folders: # local: # - test_a # remote_a: # - test_b # remote_b: # - test_c # # add test_c to exludes FileUtils.cp(sync_test, File.join(local, 'test_a.rb')) FileUtils.cp(sync_test, File.join(remote_a, 'test_b.rb')) FileUtils.cp(sync_test, File.join(remote_b, 'test_c.rb')) # ensure a is not on remotes assert !File.exists?(File.join(remote_a, 'test_a.rb')), "A should not be on remote_a" assert !File.exists?(File.join(remote_b, 'test_a.rb')), "A should not be on remote_b" # ensure b is on remote_a assert File.exists?(File.join(remote_a, 'test_b.rb')), "B should be on remote_a" # ensure c is on remote_b assert File.exists?(File.join(remote_b, 'test_c.rb')), "C should be on remote_b" Hydra::Sync.sync_many( :workers => [{ :type => :ssh, :connect => 'localhost', :directory => remote_a, :runners => 1 }, { :type => :ssh, :connect => 'localhost', :directory => remote_b, :runners => 1 }], :sync => { :directory => local } ) # ensure a is copied to both remotes assert File.exists?(File.join(remote_a, 'test_a.rb')), "A was not copied to remote_a" assert File.exists?(File.join(remote_b, 'test_a.rb')), "A was not copied to remote_b" # ensure b and c are deleted from remotes assert !File.exists?(File.join(remote_a, 'test_b.rb')), "B was not deleted from remote_a" assert !File.exists?(File.join(remote_b, 'test_c.rb')), "C was not deleted from remote_b" end end end