require 'test_helper' require 'fixtures/runner_listeners' require 'fixtures/master_listeners' class MasterTest < Test::Unit::TestCase context "with a file to test and a destination to verify" do setup do # avoid having other tests interfering with us sleep(0.2) FileUtils.rm_f(target_file) end teardown do FileUtils.rm_f(target_file) end should "run a test" do :files => [test_file] ) assert File.exists?(target_file) assert_equal "HYDRA", end # this test simulates what happens when we have 2 tests with the same # class name but with different parent classes. This can happen when # we have a functional and an integration test class with the same name. # # ...but I can't even get this test to work in the expected way (jb) should_eventually "run even with a test that will not require" do class FileOutputListener < Hydra::Listener::Abstract attr_accessor :output def initialize(&block) self.output = {} end def file_end(file, output) self.output[file] = output end end listener = sync_test = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'fixtures', 'sync_test.rb') # we want the actual test to run last to make sure the runner can still run tests :files => [sync_test, conflicting_test_file, test_file], :autosort => false, :listeners => [listener] ) assert_match /superclass mismatch for class SyncTest/, listener.output[conflicting_test_file] assert_match conflicting_test_file, listener.output[conflicting_test_file] assert File.exists?(target_file) assert_equal "HYDRA", end should "run a spec with pending examples" do progress_bar = :files => [rspec_file_with_pending], :listeners => [progress_bar] ) assert File.exists?(target_file) assert_equal "HYDRA", assert_equal false, progress_bar.instance_variable_get('@errors') end should "generate a report" do => [test_file]) assert File.exists?(target_file) assert_equal "HYDRA", report_file = File.join(Dir.consistent_tmpdir, 'hydra_heuristics.yml') assert File.exists?(report_file) assert report = YAML.load_file(report_file) assert_not_nil report[test_file] end should "run a test 6 times on 1 worker with 2 runners" do :files => [test_file]*6, :workers => [ { :type => :local, :runners => 2 } ] ) assert File.exists?(target_file) assert_equal "HYDRA"*6, end # The test being run sleeps for 5 seconds. So, if this was run in # series, it would take at least 50 seconds. This test ensures that # in runs in less than that amount of time. Since there are 10 # runners to run the file 10 times, it should only take 5-10 seconds # based on overhead. should "run a slow test 10 times on 1 worker with 10 runners quickly" do start = :files => [File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'fixtures', 'slow.rb')]*10, :workers => [ { :type => :local, :runners => 10 } ] ) finish = assert (finish-start) < 30, "took #{finish-start} seconds" end should "run a slow test 10 times on 2 workers with 5 runners each quickly" do start = :files => [File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'fixtures', 'slow.rb')]*10, :workers => [ { :type => :local, :runners => 5 }, { :type => :local, :runners => 5 } ] ) finish = assert (finish-start) < 15, "took #{finish-start} seconds" end should "run a test via ssh" do :files => [test_file], :workers => [{ :type => :ssh, :connect => 'localhost', :directory => remote_dir_path, :runners => 1 }] ) assert File.exists?(target_file) assert_equal "HYDRA", end should "run a test with config from a yaml file" do :files => [test_file], :config => File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'fixtures', 'config.yml') ) assert File.exists?(target_file) assert_equal "HYDRA", end should "synchronize a test file over ssh with rsync" do local = File.join(Dir.consistent_tmpdir, 'hydra', 'local') remote = File.join(Dir.consistent_tmpdir, 'hydra', 'remote') sync_test = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'fixtures', 'sync_test.rb') [local, remote].each{|f| FileUtils.rm_rf f; FileUtils.mkdir_p f} # setup the folders: # local: # - test_a # - test_c # remote: # - test_b # # add test_c to exludes FileUtils.cp(sync_test, File.join(local, 'test_a.rb')) FileUtils.cp(sync_test, File.join(local, 'test_c.rb')) FileUtils.cp(sync_test, File.join(remote, 'test_b.rb')) # ensure a is not on remote assert !File.exists?(File.join(remote, 'test_a.rb')), "A should not be on remote" # ensure c is not on remote assert !File.exists?(File.join(remote, 'test_c.rb')), "C should not be on remote" # ensure b is on remote assert File.exists?(File.join(remote, 'test_b.rb')), "B should be on remote" :files => ['test_a.rb'], :workers => [{ :type => :ssh, :connect => 'localhost', :directory => remote, :verbose => true, :runners => 1 }], :sync => { :directory => local, :exclude => ['test_c.rb'] } ) # ensure a is copied assert File.exists?(File.join(remote, 'test_a.rb')), "A was not copied" # ensure c is not copied assert !File.exists?(File.join(remote, 'test_c.rb')), "C was copied, should be excluded" # ensure b is deleted assert !File.exists?(File.join(remote, 'test_b.rb')), "B was not deleted" end end context "with a runner_end event" do setup do # avoid having other tests interfering with us sleep(0.2) FileUtils.rm_f(target_file) FileUtils.rm_f(alternate_target_file) @runner_began_flag = File.expand_path(File.join(Dir.consistent_tmpdir, 'runner_began_flag')) #used to know when the worker is ready FileUtils.rm_f(@runner_began_flag) @runner_listener = '' # runner_end method that creates alternate_target_file @master_listener = #used to know when the runner is up end teardown do FileUtils.rm_f(target_file) FileUtils.rm_f(alternate_target_file) end context "running a local worker" do should "run runner_end on successful termination" do @pid = Process.fork do :files => [test_file] * 6, :autosort => false, :listeners => [@master_listener], :runner_listeners => [@runner_listener], :verbose => false ) end Process.waitpid @pid assert_file_exists alternate_target_file end should "run runner_end after interruption signal" do add_infinite_worker_begin_to @master_listener capture_stderr do # redirect stderr @pid = Process.fork do :files => [test_file], :autosort => false, :listeners => [@master_listener], :runner_listeners => [@runner_listener], :verbose => false ) end end wait_for_runner_to_begin Process.kill 'SIGINT', @pid Process.waitpid @pid assert_file_exists alternate_target_file end end context "running a remote worker" do setup do copy_worker_init_file # this method has a protection to avoid erasing an existing worker_init_file end teardown do FileUtils.rm_f(@remote_init_file) unless @protect_init_file end should "run runner_end on successful termination" do capture_stderr do # redirect stderr @pid = Process.fork do :files => [test_file], :autosort => false, :listeners => [@master_listener], :runner_listeners => [@runner_listener], :workers => [{ :type => :ssh, :connect => 'localhost -o ControlMaster=no', :directory => remote_dir_path, :runners => 1 }], :verbose => false ) end end Process.waitpid @pid assert_file_exists target_file end should "not die horribly when the host cannot be reached" do capture_stderr do # redirect stderr @pid = Process.fork do :files => [test_file], :autosort => false, :listeners => [@master_listener], :runner_listeners => [@runner_listener], :workers => [{ :type => :ssh, :connect => 'sdlsdkjfhadsfjsd', :directory => remote_dir_path, :runners => 1 }], :verbose => false ) end end Process.waitpid @pid end end end context "redirecting runner's output and errors" do setup do # avoid having other tests interfering with us sleep(0.2) FileUtils.rm_f(target_file) FileUtils.rm_f(runner_log_file) FileUtils.rm_f("#{remote_dir_path}/#{runner_log_file}") end teardown do FileUtils.rm_f(target_file) FileUtils.rm_f(runner_log_file) FileUtils.rm_f("#{remote_dir_path}/#{runner_log_file}") end should "create a runner log file when usign local worker and passing a log file name" do @pid = Process.fork do :files => [test_file], :runner_log_file => runner_log_file, :verbose => false ) end Process.waitpid @pid assert_file_exists target_file # ensure the test was successfully ran assert_file_exists runner_log_file end should "create a runner log file when usign remote worker and passing a log file name" do @pid = Process.fork do :files => [test_file], :workers => [{ :type => :ssh, :connect => 'localhost', :directory => remote_dir_path, :runners => 1 }], :verbose => false, :runner_log_file => runner_log_file ) end Process.waitpid @pid assert_file_exists target_file # ensure the test was successfully ran assert_file_exists "#{remote_dir_path}/#{runner_log_file}" end should "create the default runner log file when passing an incorrect log file path" do default_log_file = "#{remote_dir_path}/#{Hydra::Runner::DEFAULT_LOG_FILE}" # hydra-runner.log" FileUtils.rm_f(default_log_file) @pid = Process.fork do :files => [test_file], :workers => [{ :type => :ssh, :connect => 'localhost', :directory => remote_dir_path, :runners => 1 }], :verbose => false, :runner_log_file => "invalid-dir/#{runner_log_file}" ) end Process.waitpid @pid assert_file_exists target_file # ensure the test was successfully ran assert_file_exists default_log_file #default log file assert !File.exists?( "#{remote_dir_path}/#{runner_log_file}" ) FileUtils.rm_f(default_log_file) end end private def runner_log_file "my-hydra-runner.log" end def add_infinite_worker_begin_to master_listener class << master_listener def worker_begin( worker ) super sleep 1 while true #ensure the process doesn't finish before killing it end end end # this requires that a worker_begin listener creates a file named worker_began_flag in tmp directory def wait_for_runner_to_begin assert_file_exists @runner_began_flag end # with a protection to avoid erasing something important in lib def copy_worker_init_file @remote_init_file = "#{remote_dir_path}/#{File.basename( hydra_worker_init_file )}" if File.exists?( @remote_init_file ) $stderr.puts "\nWARNING!!!: #{@remote_init_file} exits and this test needs to create a new file here. Make sure there is nothing inportant in that file and remove it before running this test\n\n" @protect_init_file = true exit end # copy the hydra_worker_init to the correct location FileUtils.cp(hydra_worker_init_file, remote_dir_path) end end