require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'helper') class TestSSH < Test::Unit::TestCase context "an ssh connection" do setup do @ssh ='localhost') end should "be able to execute a command" do @ssh.write "echo hi" assert_equal "hi", @ssh.gets end should "be able to execute a command with a newline" do @ssh.write "echo hi\n" assert_equal "hi", @ssh.gets end should "be able to communicate with a process" do pwd = File.dirname(__FILE__) echo_the_dolphin = File.expand_path( File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'echo_the_dolphin.rb') ) @ssh.write('ruby -e "puts \'Hello\'"') assert_equal "Hello", @ssh.gets @ssh.write("ruby #{echo_the_dolphin}") @ssh.write("Hello Echo!") assert_equal "Hello Echo!", @ssh.gets end end end